
Medicare Levy Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1997

Second Reading Speech


I move that the Bill be now read a second time.

Medicare levy low income exemption thresholds

The Bill increases the low income exemption thresholds that ensure that low income individuals and families are exempt from the Medicare levy. The increases were announced in the 1997-98 Budget. The thresholds for the 1997-98 financial year will be increased to $13,389 for individuals and $22,594 for families. The family threshold continues to be increased by $2,100 for each dependent child.

These increased exemption thresholds result in changes to the income ranges over which the exemptions are shaded-out. The new upper limits of the ranges for individuals and families will be $14,474 and $24,425 respectively.

The individual exemption threshold is also used to provide an exemption from the Medicare levy surcharge for a low income person who would otherwise be liable for the surcharge because of the level of income of the person's spouse. The exemption level there, is also to be increased to $13,389.

Full details of the measures in the Bill are contained in the explanatory memorandum circulated to honourable senators.

I commend the Bill to the Senate.