Excise Act 1901


Amended by:

Treasury Laws Amendment (Illicit Tobacco Offences) Act 2018 (assent 24/8/2018)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS


Commenced Action Note
25/08/2018 Amend Substituted definition 'offence'

Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Northern Territory Local Court) Act 2016 (assent 23/3/2016)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
13/05/2016 Amend Amended definition of 'magistrate'

Excise Laws Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Act 2006 (assent 26/06/2006)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - SEN


Commenced Action Note
1/07/2006 Amend Substituted definition of 'forfeited goods'


Commenced Action Note
1/07/2006 Amend Substituted definition of 'offence'

Taxation Laws Amendment (Excise Arrangements) Act 2001 (assent 6/04/2001)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'container'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'evidential material'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'executing officer'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'forfeited goods'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'frisk search'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'judicial officer'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'magistrate'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'occupier'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'offence'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'ordinary search'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'person assisting'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'premises'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'search warrant'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'seizure notice'
4/05/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'warrant premises'