Crimes Act 1914


Amended by:

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers and Offences) Act 2012 (assent 4/04/2012)

Revised Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
5/04/2012 Amend


Commenced Action Note
5/04/2012 Amend Amended definition of 'Commonwealth DNA database system'


Commenced Action Note
5/04/2012 Amend Amended definition of 'Commonwealth DNA database system'


Commenced Action Note
5/04/2012 Amend Amended definition of 'crime scene index'


Commenced Action Note
5/04/2012 Amend Amended definition of 'volunteers (limited purposes) index'

Crimes Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Act 2001 (assent 6/04/2001)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'DNA database system'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'crime scene index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'missing persons index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'serious offenders index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'statistical index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'suspects index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'unknown deceased persons index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'volunteers (limited purposes) index'
20/06/2001 Insert Inserted definition of 'volunteers (unlimited purposes) index'