Income Tax Assessment Act 1936


Amended by:

Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006 (assent 14/09/2006)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'associate'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'capital expenditure deduction'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10 10AA or 10A property'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10 10AA or 10A property'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10 10AA or 10A property'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10AAA property'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10C or 10D property'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible amount'


Commenced Action Note
14/09/2006 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible depreciation property'

New Business Tax System (Capital Allowances - Transitional and Consequential) Act 2001 (assent 30/06/2001)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Revised Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - REPS


Commenced Action Note
30/06/2001 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10AAA property'
30/06/2001 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible amount'
30/06/2001 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible depreciation property'
30/06/2001 Amend Substituted definition of 'Division 10 10AA or 10A property'
30/06/2001 Amend Substituted definition of 'capital expenditure deduction'
30/06/2001 Amend Substituted definition of 'eligible spectrum licence'

Tax Law Improvement Act 1997 (assent 8/07/1997)

Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - SEN


Commenced Action Note
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10, 10AA or 10A property'
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'capital expenditure deduction'


Commenced Action Note
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'depreciation deduction'
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible amount'
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'eligible depreciation property'

Income Tax (Consequential Amendment) Act 1997 (assent 17/04/1997)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS


Commenced Action Note
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10, 10AA or 10A property'
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'Division 10AAA property'
01/07/1997 Amend Amended definition of 'capital expenditure deduction'

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995 (assent 16/12/1995)

Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Second Reading - Consideration resumed from 30 March. - REPS
Second Reading - The SEN


Commenced Action Note
16/12/1995 Amend Amended definition of "exempt public body"