Income Tax Assessment Act 1936


Amended by:

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1985 (assent 28/10/1985)

Explanatory Memorandum PART A - REPS
Explanatory Memorandum PART B - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "Division 10, 10A or 10AA property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "Division 10AAA property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "Division 10C or 10D property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "arrangement payment"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "arrangement period"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "arrangement property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "arrangement"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "assessable arrangement payment"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "associate"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "capital expenditure"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "control"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "depreciation deduction"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "effective life"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible amount"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible capital expenditure property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible capital expenditure"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible depreciation property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "eligible real property"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "exempt public body"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "payment portion"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "person"
28/10/1985 Insert Inserted definition of "total notional principal"