Income Tax Assessment Act 1936


Amended by:

Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2015 Measures No. 1) Act 2015 (assent 25/06/2015)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
25/06/2015 Amend Substituted definition of 'concessional rebate amount'


Commenced Action Note
25/06/2015 Amend Repealed definition of 'dependent spouse concessional rebate amount'

Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 1) Act 2012 (assent 27/06/2012)

Revised Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
27/06/2012 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'

Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Act 2011 (assent 29/06/2011)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
29/06/2011 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'


Commenced Action Note
29/06/2011 Amend Inserted definition of 'dependent spouse concessional rebate amount'

Paid Parental Leave (Consequential Amendments) Act 2010 (assent 14/07/2010)

Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
1/10/2010 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'


Commenced Action Note
1/10/2010 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'


Commenced Action Note
1/10/2010 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Budget Measure) Act 2007 (assent 21/06/2007)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
21/06/2007 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'

A New Tax System (Family Assistance and Related Measures) Act 2000 (assent 3/05/2000)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
03/05/2000 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'

A New Tax System (Family Assistance)(Consequential and Related Measures) Act (No. 1) 1999 (assent 8/07/1999)

Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
01/07/2000 Amend Amended definition of 'concessional rebate amount'

Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1994 (assent 28/11/1994)

Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - SEN
Further Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - SEN


Commenced Action Note
28/11/1994 Amend Inserted definition of "concessional rebate amount"

Income Tax Laws Amendment Act 1981 (assent 24/06/1981)

Explanatory Memorandum - REPS
Second Reading Speech - REPS


Commenced Action Note
24/06/1981 Amend Amended definition of "the prescribed area"

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act (No. 3) 1956 (assent 15/11/1956)

Explanatory Notes - REPS


Commenced Action Note
01/07/1956 Amend Inserted definition of "locality"