Taxation Administration Regulations 1976


Amended by:

Treasury Laws Amendment (2015 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 (registered 30/03/2015)

Explanatory Statement


Commenced Action Note
31/03/2015 Amend Inserted definition of 'indirect tax zone'
31/03/2015 Amend Inserted definition of 'indirect tax zone'

Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 4) (gazetted 12/07/2000)

Explanatory Statement


Commenced Action Note
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'borne wine tax'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'car'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'goods'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'international agreements'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'tax invoice'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'taxable supply'
1/07/2000 Insert Inserted definition of 'wine'