Taxation Determination 95/27PW

TD 95/27PW - Notice of Partial Withdrawal

Income tax: does the interest paid by a taxpayer on a loan to purchase a motor vehicle used for income-producing purposes (but not in carrying on a business) continue to be an allowable deduction under subsection 51(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 after disposal of the vehicle?

FOI status:

May be released

Notice of Withdrawal

Paragraph 3 of Taxation Determination TD 95/27 is withdrawn with effect today.

Paragraph 4 of Taxation Determination TD 95/27 is withdrawn with effect today.

Example ( c ) of Taxation Determination TD 95/27 is withdrawn with effect today.

Commissioner of Taxation
29 June 2001


ATO references:
NO T2001/13746

ISSN 1038 - 8982

Related Rulings/Determinations:

TD 95/27