Guide to capital gains tax 2002

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  • This document has changed over time. View its history.

More information


To get any publication referred to in this book:

  • visit the ATO website at < >
  • ring our Publications Distribution Service on 1300 720 092 for the cost of a local call or
  • visit an ATO office or an ATOaccess site.

Publications referred to in this book include:

  • Guide to depreciating assets (NAT 1996 - 6.2002)
  • Capital allowances schedule instructions (NAT 4089 - 6.2002)
  • Company tax return 2002 (NAT 0656 - 6.2002)
  • Trust tax return 2002 (NAT 0660 - 6.2002)
  • Fund income tax and regulatory return 2002 (NAT 0658 - 6.2002)
  • Capital gains tax (CGT) assets register (NAT 2684 - 7.1998)
  • You and your shares (NAT 2632 - 6.2002)
  • Taxation ruling TR 92/3 - Income tax: whether profits on isolated transactions are income
  • Uniform capital allowance system: disposal of a depreciating asset (NAT 4516 - 8.2001)
  • Uniform capital allowance system: low-value pools (NAT 4514 - 9.2001)
  • Rental properties (NAT 1729 - 6.2002)
  • Personal investors guide to capital gains tax (NAT 4152 - 6.2002)
  • Capital gains tax concessions for small business (NAT 3359 - 6.2000).

Further information

For more information about capital gains tax, you can:

  • access the ATO's e-tax 2002 software package which has a module that includes a calculator for capital gains and capital losses
  • get the shorter, simpler Personal investors guide to capital gains tax which covers the sale of shares, units and distributions from managed funds and is designed mainly for individuals
  • download fact sheets and other information from the ATO website at < >
  • ring the ATO on 13 28 61
  • ring the ATO's business inquiries line on 13 24 78 or
  • seek advice from a professional tax adviser.

If you do not speak English and need help from the ATO, ring the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 .

People with a hearing or speech impairment can ring the Telephone Typewriter Service on 1300 130 478 .

ATO references:
NO NAT 4151

Guide to capital gains tax 2002
  Date: Version:
  1 July 2000 Original document
You are here 1 July 2001 Updated document
  1 July 2003 Updated document
  1 July 2004 Updated document
  1 July 2005 Updated document
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  1 July 2008 Updated document
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  1 July 2019 Updated document
  1 July 2020 Updated document
  1 July 2021 Current document

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