Guide to capital gains tax 2006

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For up-to-date and comprehensive information about deductions and to download publications, rulings and general tax information, visit


Publications relevant to this guide, including recent Rulings and Determinations, include:


We can offer a more personalised service if you provide a tax file number.

  • Personal tax 13 28 61

    Individual income tax and general personal tax enquiries, including capital gains tax

  • Business 13 28 66

    business tax enquiries including capital gains tax

  • Superannuation 13 10 20

  • Fax 13 28 60

    Get information faxed to you about individual taxes - phone 13 28 60 and follow the instructions.

Other services

  • Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

    If you do not speak English well and want to talk to a tax officer, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service for help with your call.

  • National Relay Service 13 36 77

    If you have a hearing or speech impairment and use a TTY or modem, phone the National Relay Service. For 1800 free call numbers phone 1800 555   677 and quote the number you require.

  • Speech to Speech Relay Service 1300 555 727

    If you have a speech impairment and do not use a TTY or modem, phone the Speech to Speech Relay Service. For 1800 free call numbers phone 1800 555 727 and quote the number you require.

Date Issued: Monday, 28 August 2006


Commonwealth of Australia

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ATO references:
NO NAT 4151

Guide to capital gains tax 2006
  Date: Version:
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