Taxation Ruling

TR 2018/7ER - Erratum

Income tax: employee remuneration trusts


This Erratum is a public ruling for the purposes of the Taxation Administration Act 1953. It corrects minor errors to case references, legislative references and the Detailed contents list in Taxation Ruling TR 2018/7, as appropriate.

TR 2018/7 is corrected as follows:

1. Paragraph 4

Omit footnote 9; substitute:

9 Refer to Blank v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2016) 258 CLR 439; [2016] HCA 42; (2016) 104 ATR 41.

2. Paragraph 9

(a) In footnote 13, omit both instances of 'Federal'.

(b) Omit footnote 15; substitute:

15 Refer to Ronpibon Tin NL v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1949) 78 CLR 47 at 55-58; [1949] HCA 15 at [9]-[15]; (1949) ATD 431 at 434-436 and Magna Alloys & Research Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1980] FCA 150; 80 ATC 4542 at 4559-4561; (1980) 11 ATR 276 at 294-297.

3. Paragraph 10

Omit footnotes 19, 20 and 21' substitute:

19 As to the nature of benefits refer to Re Wensemius v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2007] AATA 1006 at [97]-[98]; 2007 ATC 2035 at 2051-2052; (2007) 66 ATR 144 at 163-164 (Wensemius).
20 Refer to Re Benstead Services Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2006] AATA 976 at [47]-[52]; 2006 ATC 2511 at 2517-2518; (2006) 64 ATR 1232 at 1240.
21 Refer to Essenbourne Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2002] FCA 1577 at [32]; 2002 ATC 5201 at 5208; 51 ATR 629 at 636 (Essenbourne).

4. Paragraph 19

(a) In footnote 27, omit '[1926]'; substitute '[1926]'.

(b) Omit footnote 28; substitute:

28 Refer to Ransburg Australia Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1980] FCA 31; 80 ATC 4114 at 4121; (1980) 10 ATR 663 at 669, per Fisher J.

5. Paragraph 31

In footnote 39, omit 'at 23'; substitute 'at 23'.

6. Paragraph 32

In footnote 40, insert space after 'v.'.

7. Paragraph 43

(a) Omit 'FBTA'; substitute 'Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986'.

(b) In footnote 52, omit 'FBTA'; substitute 'Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986'.

8. Paragraph 45

In footnote 56, omit ' (1981) 50 FLR 219; (1981) 34 ALR 237;'.

9. Paragraph 54

In footnote 62, omit '; and'; substitute ' and'.

10. Paragraph 74

In footnote 82, omit 'See'; substitute 'Refer to'.

11. Paragraph 89

Remove space after 'this Ruling'.

12. Paragraph 95

In the Detailed contents list, indent heading 'When is a trustee assessed on amounts of the section 95 net income?'.

13. References

(a) Omit from 'Related Rulings/Determinations:' 'IT 2385; TR 2001/10; TR 2008/5; TR 2012/D1'.

(b) Insert 'ITAA 1997 83A-10(1)' to 'Legislative references:'.

(c) Omit all cases from 'Cases relied on:'; substitute:

Re Benstead Services Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2006] AATA 976; (2006) 64 ATR 1232; 2006 ATC 2511
Blank v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2016] HCA 42; (2016) 104 ATR 41; 2016 ATC 20 587
British Insulated and Helsby Cables v. Atherton [1926] AC 205
Case C57 71 ATC 250
Cases Nos 260 262/1982 83 ATC 430
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v. Applied Design Development Pty Ltd (in liq) (2002) 117 FCR 336; [2002] FCA 205; (2002) 49 ATR 196; 2002 ATC 4193
Essenbourne Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2002] FCA 1577; 2002 ATC 5201; (2002) 51 ATR 629
Re Experienced Tours Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2006] AATA 517; (2006) 63 ATR 1147; 2006 ATC 2232
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v. Belford (1952) 88 CLR 589; [1952] HCA 73
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v. Dixon (1952) 86 CLR 540; [1952] HCA 65; (1952) 10 ATD 82
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v. H [2010] FCAFC 128; (2010) 188 FCR 440; 2010 ATC 20 218; (2010) 85 ATR 357
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v. Indooroopilly Children Services (Qld) Pty Ltd (2007) 158 FCR 325; [2007] FCAFC 16; 2007 ATC 4236; (2007) 65 ATR 369
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v. McArdle (1988) 19 ATR 1901; 89 ATC 4051
GP International Pipecoaters Pty Ltd v. Commissioner of Taxation (1990) 170 CLR 124; [1990] HCA 25; (1990) 21 ATR 1; 90 ATC 4413
Goodman Fielder Wattie Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1991) 29 FCR 376; (1991) 22 ATR 26; 91 ATC 4438
Hallstroms Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1946) 72 CLR 634; [1946] HCA 34; (1946) 8 ATD 190
Inchyra (Baron) v. Jennings (Inspector of Taxes) [1966] 1 Ch 37; [1965] 2 All ER 714
Jackson's Trustees v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue (1942) 25 TC 13
Magna Alloys and Research Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1980] FCA 150; (1980) 11 ATR 276; 80 ATC 4542
Murdoch v. Commissioner of Pay Roll Tax (Vic) (1980) 143 CLR 629; [1980] HCA 33; 80 ATC 4424; (1980) 11 ATR 135
Mutual Acceptance Co Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1944) 69 CLR 389; [1944] HCA 34; (1944) 7 ATD 506
Pridecraft Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2004] FCAFC 339; 2005 ATC 4001
Ransburg Australia Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1980] FCA 4114; 80 ATC 4114; (1980) 10 ATR 663
Ronpibon Tin NL v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1949) 78 CLR 47; [1949] HCA 15; (1949) 8 ATD 431
Sent v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2012] FCA 382; 2012 ATC 20 318; (2012) 85 ATR 1
Re Soubra v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2009] AATA 2009 ATC 10 113; (2009) 77 ATR 946
Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2004] FCA 650; 2004 ATC 4674; (2004) 55 ATR 745
Union Fidelity Trustee Co (Aust) Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1969) 119 CLR 177; [1969] HCA 36; 69 ATC 4084; (1969) 1 ATR 200
Ure v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1981] FCA 9; 81 ATC 4100; (1981) 11 ATR 484
Re Wensemius v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2007] AATA 1006; 2007 ATC 2035; (2007) 66 ATR 144
Re Yip v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [2011] AATA 785; 2011 ATC 10 214; (2011) 82 ATR 761

This Erratum applies on and from 31 October 2018.

Commissioner of Taxation
21 November 2018


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