Crimes Act 1914

Part IABA - Integrity testing  

Division 5 - Integrity testing operations: reporting  

SECTION 15JS   Integrity testing operations - annual reports  

As soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, the chief officer of each integrity testing agency must submit a report to the Law Enforcement Minister setting out the details required by subsection (2) in relation to integrity testing operations authorised by an authorising officer of the agency during the previous 12 months.

The details to be set out in the report are as follows:

(a)    the number of integrity testing authorities granted by authorising officers of the agency;

(b)    the nature of the suspected criminal activity in relation to which each authority was given;

(c)    the period of effect of each authority (including any extension of the period granted by variation);

(d)    if an authority was cancelled - the reasons for cancellation.

A report must not disclose any information that identifies any person involved in an integrity testing operation or that is likely to lead to such a person being identified.

Nothing in this section requires particulars of an integrity testing operation to be included in a report for a year if the operation had not been completed as at 30 June in that year, but the particulars must instead be included in the report for the year in which the operation is completed.


In this section:

chief officer
, of an integrity testing agency, means:

(a) for the ACC - the Chief Executive Officer of the ACC; or

(b) for the Australian Federal Police - the Commissioner; or

(c) for the Immigration and Border Protection Department - the Secretary of that Department; or

(d) for the National Anti-Corruption Commission - the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner.

Law Enforcement Minister
means the Minister responsible for the administration of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 .

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