Crimes Act 1914

Part ID - Forensic procedures  

Simplified outline of operation of Part

This Part provides for forensic procedures to be carried out on:

  • • suspects in relation to indictable offences (Divisions 3 , 4 and 5 ); and
  • • offenders in relation to prescribed and serious offences (Division 6A ); and
  • • volunteers (Division 6B ).
  • If the carrying out of a forensic procedure is authorised under this Part, it must be carried out in accordance with rules and procedures set out in Division 6 .

    If a forensic procedure covered by this Part is carried out without proper authority under this Part, evidence obtained through the procedure may be inadmissible in proceedings against the suspect (Division 7 ).

    However, certain rules are modified or do not apply if the forensic procedure is carried out in response to a request by a foreign country or an international tribunal, or a request by a foreign law enforcement agency (Division 9A ).

    This Part also:

  • • contains offences in relation to the Commonwealth DNA database system and the National Criminal Investigation DNA Database ( NCIDD ) (Division 8A ); and
  • • provides for the whole or a part of the Commonwealth DNA database system to be integrated with the whole or a part of one ore more State/Territory DNA database systems to form part of NCIDD (Division 8A ); and
  • • provides for the exchange of information in the Commonwealth DNA database system or a State/Territory DNA database system and the protection of the information that is exchanged (Division 11 ); and
  • • provides for the destruction of forensic material (Division 8 ).
  • Division 6 - Carrying out forensic procedures on suspects  

    Subdivision E - Recording of forensic procedure  

    SECTION 23XT   Recording of forensic procedure  

    The carrying out of a forensic procedure (other than the taking of a hand print, finger print, foot print or toe print) must be video recorded unless:

    (a) the suspect objects to the video recording; or

    (b) the video recording is not practicable.

    Before the forensic procedure is carried out, the suspect must be informed:

    (a) of the reasons for video recording the carrying out of the forensic procedure, including the protection that the video recording provides for the suspect; and

    (b) that the suspect may object to the video recording.

    In spite of section 23YE , an interview friend of an Aboriginal person or a Torres Strait Islander not covered by section 23XQ has no right to object to the video recording of the forensic procedure.


    Section 23YE gives interview friends and legal representatives general powers to act on behalf of suspects. Section 23XQ applies to children and incapable persons, including children or incapable persons who are Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders, but does not apply to other Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders.

    If the carrying out of the forensic procedure is not to be video recorded, the forensic procedure must be carried out in the presence of an independent person (not a constable).

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