Crimes Act 1914

Part IAAA - Delayed notification search warrants  

Division 3 - Exercise of powers under delayed notification search warrants  

SECTION 3ZZCD   Executing a warrant - assistance, use of force and related matters  

In executing a delayed notification search warrant:

(a) the executing officer may obtain such assistance; and

(b) the executing officer, or an eligible officer who is a person assisting, may use such force against persons and things; and

(c) a person assisting who is not an eligible officer may use such force against things;

as is necessary and reasonable in the circumstances.

At any time when the executing officer is at warrant premises, or adjoining premises, under a delayed notification search warrant, the executing officer must have in his or her possession, or be in a position to produce without delay:

(a) a copy of the warrant; or

(b) if the warrant was issued under section 3ZZBF - a copy of the form of warrant completed under subsection 3ZZBF(7) .

To avoid doubt, subsection (2) does not require the executing officer to produce a copy of the warrant or the form of warrant.

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