Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 5.3 - Terrorism  

Division 105 - Preventative detention orders  

Subdivision E - Treatment of person detained  

SECTION 105.44   Use of identification material  

This section applies if identification material is taken under section 105.43 from a person being detained under a preventative detention order.

The material may be used only for the purpose of determining whether the person is the person specified in the order.


A contravention of this subsection may be an offence under section 105.45 .


(a) a period of 12 months elapses after the identification material is taken; and

(b) proceedings in respect of:

(i) the preventative detention order; or

(ii) the treatment of the person in connection with the person ' s detention under the order;
have not been brought, or have been brought and discontinued or completed, within that period;

the material must be destroyed as soon as practicable after the end of that period.

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