Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 5.3 - Terrorism  

Division 106 - Transitional provisions  

SECTION 106.6   Application provisions for certain amendments in the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014  

Section 104.1 , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , applies in relation to control orders, where the relevant interim control order is requested after the commencement of this section.

Sections 104.2 , 104.3 , 104.10 and 104.12A , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , apply to requests for interim control orders made after the commencement of this section, where the conduct in relation to which the request is made occurs before or after that commencement.

Section 104.4 and subsection 104.5(1B) , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , apply to the making of orders requested after the commencement of this section, where the conduct in relation to which the request is made occurs before or after that commencement.

Sections 104.6 and 104.8 , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , apply to the making of requests after the commencement of this section, where the conduct in relation to which the request is made occurs before or after that commencement.

Section 104.14 , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , applies to confirmations of control orders, where the relevant interim control order is requested after that commencement.

Sections 104.20 , 104.23 and 104.24 , as amended by Schedule 1 to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) 2014 , apply to variations of control orders, where the relevant interim control order is requested after that commencement.

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