Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 9.1 - Serious drug offences  

Division 311 - Combining quantities of drugs, plants or precursors  

Subdivision C - Combining parcels from multiple offences  

SECTION 311.13  

311.13   Multiple offences - importing or exporting border controlled drugs or border controlled plants  
The prosecution may prove an offence against Subdivision A of Division 307 (importing and exporting border controlled drugs or border controlled plants) by proving:

(a) that the defendant committed offences against that Subdivision on differnet occasions; and

(b) that each of those offences was committed within a period of not more than 30 days from another of those offences; and

(c) that the relevant quantity (in sum) of a border controlled drug or border controlled plant or both, or of a combination of border controlled drugs or border controlled plants or both, was imported or exported during the commission of those offences.


See section 312.2 for working out quantities where different kinds of border controlled drugs or border controlled plants are involved.

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