Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 9.10 - Community safety orders  

Division 395 - Community safety orders  

Subdivision H - Miscellaneous  

SECTION 395.49   Annual report  

The Immigration Minister must, as soon as practicable after each 30 June, cause a report to be prepared about the operation of this Division during the year ended on that 30 June.

Without limiting subsection (1) , a report relating to a year must include the number of each of the following:

(a)    applications for each kind of community safety order made during the year;

(b)    each kind of community safety order made during the year;

(c)    applications for review of each kind of community safety order made by serious offenders during the year;

(d)    applications for review of each kind of community safety order made by the Immigration Minister, or a legal representative of the Immigration Minister, during the year;

(e)    each kind of community safety order affirmed during the year;

(f)    each kind of community safety order varied during the year;

(g)    community safety orders revoked (including by operation of this Act) during the year.

The Immigration Minister must cause copies of the report to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is completed.

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