A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Chapter 4 - The special rules  

Part 4-2 - Special rules mainly about supplies and acquisitions  


The special rules in this Part mainly modify the operation of Part 2-2 , but they may affect other Parts of Chapter 2 in minor ways.

Division 84 - Offshore supplies  

Subdivision 84-C - Offshore supplies of low value goods  

84-73   What this Subdivision is about  

Supplies of low value goods involving goods being brought to the indirect tax zone may be connected with the indirect tax zone.

An entity may be treated as the supplier of an offshore supply of low value goods, if the entity is the operator of an electronic distribution platform through which the supply is made, or the entity is a redeliverer of the goods.

The result is that the operator or redeliverer, instead of the supplier, counts the supplies towards its GST turnover and pays GST on the supplies.

Suppliers of offshore supplies of low value goods are not required to issue tax invoices and adjustment notes, but they must ensure relevant information is included in customs documents.

Note 1:

The supplies will need to meet other requirements in order to be taxable supplies: see section 9-5 .

Note 2:

Offshore supplies of low value goods that are not connected with the indirect tax zone under this Subdivision may be taxable supplies, and " reverse-charged " , under Subdivision 84-A .

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