A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999



This Part does not apply in relation to any decision of the Secretary under Division 5 of Part 4 (about departure prohibition orders).

Division 2 - Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal  

Subdivision C - Other matters relating to AAT first review  

SECTION 113   Secretary may continue certain matters pending outcome of application for AAT first review  


(a)    an adverse family assistance decision is made; and

(b)    the adverse decision depends on the exercise of a discretion, or the holding of an opinion, by a person; and

(c)    a person makes an application for AAT first review of the adverse decision;

the Secretary may declare that entitlement to the family assistance is to continue, pending the determination of the review, as if the adverse decision had not been made.

(Repealed by No 22 of 2017)

While the declaration is in force in relation to the adverse decision, this Act (other than this Part) applies as if the adverse decision had not been made.

The declaration:

(a)    starts to have effect on the day it is made or on the earlier day (if any) specified in the declaration; and

(b)    stops having effect if:

(i) the AAT dismisses the application for AAT first review of the adverse decision; or

(ii) the AAT determines the AAT first review of the adverse decision; or

(iii) the Secretary revokes the declaration.

In this section:

adverse family assistance decision
, in relation to a person, means any decision having the effect that:

(a) the person ceases to be entitled to family assistance; or

(b) the person ' s entitlement to family assistance is reduced.

(c) - (e) (Repealed by No 22 of 2017)

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