A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


SECTION 221   Delegation  
Delegation to officers


Subject to this section, the Secretary may delegate to an officer all or any of the powers of the Secretary under the family assistance law, other than:

(a)    the power to make Secretary ' s rules under subsection 85GB(2) of the Family Assistance Act; and

(b)    the power to engage an expert to carry out an independent audit as mentioned in section 203C of this Act.

(Repealed by No 46 of 2016)


The Secretary must not delegate the Secretary ' s power under subparagraph 168(1)(b)(i) (disclosure of information) except to the Human Services Secretary, the Chief Executive Centrelink or the Chief Executive Medicare.


The Secretary must not delegate to an officer, other than an SES employee or acting SES employee, the Secretary ' s powers under:

(a)    section 203A (power to require financial information);

(b)    subsection 219UD(1) (power to appoint authorised person);

(c)    subsection 219WA(3) (power to appoint infringement officer).

Funding agreements


The Secretary may delegate to an official of a non-corporate Commonwealth entity the Secretary ' s powers under section 85GA of the Family Assistance Act.


In exercising a power delegated under subsection (5), an official must comply with any directions of the Secretary.

For non-corporate Commonwealth entity and official, see subsection 3(1) .

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