A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


Division 1 - Family tax benefit  

Subdivision D - FTB reconciliation conditions  

SECTION 32M   Relevant reconciliation time - target foreign income, tax free pension/benefit or child maintenance expenditure  

This section applies to the first individual for a same-rate benefit period if any of the following were taken into account in working out the first individual ' s adjusted taxable income for the relevant income year:

(a) the first individual ' s target foreign income for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 5 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

(b) the first individual ' s tax free pension or benefit for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 7 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

(c) the first individual ' s child maintenance expenditure for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 8 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

(d) another individual ' s target foreign income for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 5 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

(e) another individual ' s tax free pension or benefit for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 7 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

(f) another individual ' s child maintenance expenditure for the relevant income year (as defined by clause 8 of Schedule 3 to the Family Assistance Act);

The relevant reconciliation time is whichever is the earlier of the following times:

(a) the time after the end of the relevant income year when the first individual notifies the Secretary of the amount of the first individual ' s adjusted taxable income for the relevant income year, so long as that notification occurs before the end of:

(i) the first income year after the relevant income year; or

(ii) such further period (if any) as the Secretary allows, if the Secretary is satisfied that there are special circumstances that prevented the first individual from making that notification before the end of that first income year;

(b) the time after the end of the relevant income year when the Secretary becomes satisfied that the first individual ' s adjusted taxable income for the relevant income year can be worked out without receiving a notification from the first individual, so long as the Secretary becomes so satisfied before the end of the first income year after the relevant income year.


The further period under subparagraph (2)(a)(ii) must end no later than the end of the second income year after the relevant income year.

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