Diesel and Alternative Fuels Grants Scheme Act 1999 (Repealed)

Part 11 - Access to premises  

47   Access to premises etc.  

This section applies to premises if an authorised officer has reason to believe that:

(a) there are on the premises any documents or goods that are relevant to the operation of this Act; or

(b) there is on the premises any other property that is relevant to the operation of this Act.

The authorised officer:

(a) may at all reasonable times enter and remain on those premises; and

(b) is entitled to full and free access at all reasonable times to any such documents, goods or other property on those premises; and

(c) may inspect, examine, make copies of, or take extracts from, any such documents on those premises; and

(d) may inspect, examine, count, measure, weigh, gauge, test or analyse any such goods or other property on those premises and, to that end, take samples.

An authorised officer is not entitled to enter or remain on any premises if, after having been requested by the occupier to produce his or her identity card, the officer fails to comply with that request.

If an authorised officer enters, or proposes to enter, premises under this section, the occupier must provide the officer with all reasonable facilities and assistance for the effective exercise of powers under this section.


An occupier who contravenes subsection (4) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding 30 penalty units.
Note 1:

Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal responsibility.

Note 2:

See section 4AA of the Crimes Act 1914 for the current value of a penalty unit.

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