Corporations Act 2001
Note: This Chapter applies to a CCIV in a modified form: see Division 4 of Part 8B.7 .
CCH note - modifying legislative instruments: The application of Pt 7.6 is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced or were amended on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Custody Standards for Providers of Custodial and Depository Services) Instrument 2024/17 (other than Divs 4 and 8); the ASIC Corporations (Investor Directed Portfolio Services) Instrument 2023/669 (as amended by ASIC Corporations (Amendment) Instrument 2024/554) (other than Divs 4 and 8); the ASIC Corporations (Record-Keeping Requirements for Australian Financial Services Licensees when Giving Personal Advice) Instrument 2024/508 (other than Divs 4 and 8); and the ASIC Corporations and Credit (Breach Reporting - Reportable Situations) Instrument 2024/620 (other than Divs 4 and 8).
The application of Pt 7.6 is also affected by the Class Order 14/1262: Relief for 31 Day Notice Term Deposits (other than Divs 4 and 8); and the ASIC Corporations, Credit and Superannuation (Internal Dispute Resolution) Instrument 2020/98 (other than Divs 4 and 8).
For other legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022 that affect the application of Pt 7.6, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
CCH Note - modifying legislative instruments: The application of Division 11 is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Incidental Retail Cover) Instrument 2022/716; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Issuers of Retail OTC Derivatives) Instrument 2022/705; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Responsible Entities, IDPS Operators and Corporate Directors of Retail CCIVs) Instrument 2023/647; and the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Custodial or Depository Service Providers) Instrument 2023/648.
For legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022 that affect the application of Division 11, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
CCH Note - modifying legislative instruments: The application of Subdivision B is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Incidental Retail Cover) Instrument 2022/716; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Issuers of Retail OTC Derivatives) Instrument 2022/705; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Responsible Entities, IDPS Operators and Corporate Directors of Retail CCIVs) Instrument 2023/647; and the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Custodial or Depository Service Providers) Instrument 2023/648.
For legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022 that affect the application of Subdivision B, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
CCH note: This provision is modified by legislative instruments. See the CCH note at the end of the provision for details.
If the client gives a notice under section 925A but the notice does not rescind the agreement because rescission of it would prejudice a right or estate of the kind referred to in section 925B , the client may, within a reasonable period after giving the notice, apply to the Court for an order under subsection (4) of this section.
The Court may extend the period for making an application under subsection (1).
If an application is made under subsection (1), the Court may make such orders expressed to have effect until the determination of the application as it would have power to make if the notice had rescinded the agreement under section 925B and the application were for orders under section 925D .
On an application under subsection (1), the Court may make an order: (a) varying the agreement in such a way as to put the client in the same position, as nearly as can be done without prejudicing such a right or estate acquired before the order is made, as if the agreement had not been entered into; and (b) declaring the agreement to have had effect as so varied at and after the time when it was originally made.
If the Court makes an order under subsection (4), the agreement is to be taken for the purposes of section 925D to have been rescinded under section 925B .
An order under subsection (4) does not affect the application of section 925F or 925H in relation to the agreement as originally made or as varied by the order.
CCH Note - modifying legislative instruments: Section 925C is modified by the following legislative instruments that commenced or were amended on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Incidental Retail Cover) Instrument 2022/716; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Issuers of Retail OTC Derivatives) Instrument 2022/705; the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Responsible Entities, IDPS Operators and Corporate Directors of Retail CCIVs) Instrument 2023/647; and the ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Custodial or Depository Service Providers) Instrument 2023/648.
For modifying legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
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