Proceeds of Crime Act 2002



Division 3 - Other concepts  

SECTION 337A   Meaning of foreign indictable offence  


(a) an application (the current application ) is made for a *freezing order, *production order, *search warrant, * restraining order or * confiscation order in relation to conduct that constituted an offence against a law of a foreign country; and

(b) if the conduct had occurred in Australia at the testing time referred to in subsection (2), the conduct would have constituted an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory punishable by at least 12 months imprisonment;

then, for the purposes of the current application, the conduct is treated as having constituted a foreign indictable offence at all relevant times.


X commits an offence against a law of a foreign country at a time when the conduct is not an offence against Australian law. X then derives literary proceeds in relation to the offence and transfers the proceeds to Australia. After the proceeds are transferred, a new Commonwealth offence is created that applies to the type of conduct concerned. An application is then made for a literary proceeds order. For the purposes of the proceedings for that order, the original conduct is treated as having constituted a foreign indictable offence at all relevant times and accordingly an order can be made in respect of those proceeds.

The testing time for the current application is:

(a) if the current application is an application for a *freezing order, *production order, *search warrant or * restraining order - the time when the current application was made; or

(b) if the current application is an application for a * confiscation order (other than a * literary proceeds order) in relation to a restraining order - the time when the application for the restraining order was made; or

(c) if:

(i) the current application is an application for a literary proceeds order; and

(ii) an earlier restraining order has been made in respect of the same offence;
the time when the application was made for that earlier restraining order; or

(d) if the current application is an application for a literary proceeds order but paragraph (c) does not apply - the time when the current application was made.

(Repealed by No 4 of 2010)

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