Petroleum (Timor Sea Treaty) Act 2003

Schedule 1 - Timor Sea Treaty  

Note: This is the copy of the Treaty referred to in the definition of Treaty in subsection 5(1) of this Act.


ARTICLE 13   Application of taxation law  

(a) For the purposes of taxation law related directly or indirectly to:

i. the exploration for or the exploitation of petroleum in the JPDA; or

ii. acts, matters, circumstances and things touching, concerning arising out of or connected with such exploration and exploitation
the JPDA shall be deemed to be, and treated by, Australia and East Timor, as part of that country.

(b) The taxation code to provide relief from double taxation relating to petroleum activities is set out in Annex G.

(c) The taxation code contains its own dispute resolution mechanism. Article 23 of this Treaty shall not apply to disputes covered by that mechanism.

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