New Business Tax System (Taxation of Financial Arrangements) Act (No. 1) 2003 (133 of 2003)

Schedule 4   Foreign currency

Part 1   Amendments

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

59   Before Subdivision 960-E


Subdivision 960-C - Foreign currency

Table of sections

960-49 Objects of this Subdivision

960-50 Translation of amounts into Australian currency

960-55 Application of translation rules

960-49 Objects of this Subdivision

The objects of this Subdivision are as follows:

(a) to set out a basic rule requiring an amount in a *foreign currency to be translated into an Australian dollar amount (the basic rule is subject to the functional currency rules in Subdivision 960-D and to certain specific exclusions);

(b) to ensure that the rules for identifying the exchange rate for the translation of a foreign currency amount into Australian dollars:

(i) reflect an appropriate prevailing exchange rate; and

(ii) take into account, as appropriate, commercial practices for the translation of foreign currency amounts into Australian dollars.

960-50 Translation of amounts into Australian currency

(1) For the purposes of this Act, an amount in a *foreign currency is to be translated into Australian currency.

Examples of an amount

(2) The following are examples of an amount:

(a) an amount of *ordinary income;

(b) an amount of an expense;

(c) an amount of an obligation;

(d) an amount of a liability;

(e) an amount of a receipt;

(f) an amount of a payment;

(g) an amount of consideration;

(h) a value.

(3) The amounts set out in paragraphs (2)(b) to (h) may be amounts on revenue account, capital account or otherwise.

Amounts that are elements in the calculation of other amounts

(4) In applying this section:

(a) first, translate any amounts that are elements in the calculation of other amounts (except *special accrual amounts); and

(b) then, calculate the other amounts.

Special accrual amounts

(5) In applying this section:

(a) calculate a *special accrual amount without translation; and

(b) then, translate the special accrual amount.

Special translation rules

(6) The table has effect:

Special translation rules


In this case...

this is the result...


forex realisation event 4 happens when you cease to have an obligation, or a part of an obligation, to pay *foreign currency, and neither of subparagraphs 775-55(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) applies

for the purposes of section 775-55, the amount of the obligation, or the part of the obligation, at the tax recognition time (see subsection 775-55(7)) is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at that time.


cost of a *depreciating asset

(a) if you incur an obligation in return for your starting to hold the asset, and the obligation is not satisfied before you begin to hold the asset (worked out under Division 40) - the cost of the asset is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable when you begin to hold the asset; or

(b) if you incur an obligation in return for your starting to hold the asset, and the obligation is satisfied before you begin to hold the asset (worked out under Division 40) - the cost of the asset is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable when the obligation is satisfied.


value of an item of *trading stock on hand at the end of an income year, where you have elected to use its *cost

the value is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time when the item became on hand.


value of an item of *trading stock on hand at the end of an income year, where you have elected to use:

(a) its market selling value; or

(b) its replacement value

the value is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the end of the income year.


a transaction or event that:

(a) involves an amount of money or the *market value of other property; and

(b) is relevant for the purposes of Part 3-1 or 3-3;

to the extent to which the amount or value is relevant for the purposes of Part 3-1 or 3-3

the amount or value is to be translated, for the purposes of Part 3-1 or 3-3, to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time of the transaction or event.


an amount of *ordinary income

(a) if the amount is received at or before the time when it is derived - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time of receipt; or

(b) in any other case - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable when it is derived.


an amount of *statutory income (other than an amount included in assessable income under Division 102)

(a) if the amount is received at or before the time when the requirement first arose to include it in your assessable income - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time of receipt; or

(b) in any other case - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time when the requirement first arose to include it in your assessable income.


an amount that you deduct (other than under Division 40)

(a) if the amount is paid at or before the time when it became deductible - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time of payment; or

(b) in any other case - the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time when it became deductible.


an amount that is relevant for the purposes of quantifying:

(a) the total of all of a company's *production expenditure on a *film; or

(b) the total of the company's *qualifying Australian production expenditure on a film;

to the extent to which the amount is relevant for the purposes of Division 376

the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the average of the exchange rates applicable from time to time during the period that:

(a) starts on the earliest day on which:

(i) principal photography takes place; or

(ii) the production of the animated image commences; and

(b) ends when the film is *completed.


an amount that Division 12 of Part 2-5 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 requires to be withheld from a payment

the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time when the amount is required to be withheld under that Division.


an amount of a receipt or a payment, where none of the above items apply

the amount is to be translated to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the time of the receipt or payment.

(7) Subsection (6) has effect subject to any modifications made by the regulations. For this purpose, modifications includes additions, omissions and substitutions.

Regulations about translation

(8) An entity must comply with the regulations (if any) in translating an amount into Australian currency.

Note: For example, the regulations could require the use of a particular translation method and require consistency in the use of the translation method.

(9) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (8) may make provision in relation to a matter by applying, adopting or incorporating (with or without modifications) matter contained in any of the *accounting standards:

(a) as in force or existing at a particular time; or

(b) as in force or existing from time to time.

Operation of certain provisions unaffected

(10) This section does not affect the operation of the following provisions:

(a) section 775-210 (notional loans under *facility agreements);

(b) Subdivision 960-D (functional currency);

(c) subsection 974-35(6) (valuation of financial benefits for the purposes of the debt/equity provisions);

(d) Part XI of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (about foreign investment funds and life assurance).

960-55 Application of translation rules

(1) Section 960-50 applies to:

(a) a transaction, event or thing that:

(i) involves an amount in a *foreign currency; and

(ii) occurs on or after the applicable commencement date (within the meaning of Division 775); or

(b) a transaction, event or thing that:

(i) involves an amount in a foreign currency; and

(ii) occurs before the applicable commencement date (within the meaning of Division 775);

to the extent to which the transaction, event or thing is relevant for the purposes of Division 775; or

(c) an amount that Division 12 of Part 2-5 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 requires to be withheld from a payment, if the time when the amount is required to be withheld occurs on or after 1 July 2003; or

(d) a payment that Part 5-30 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 requires to be reported, if the amount is paid on or after 1 July 2003.

Note: For applicable commencement date , see section 775-155.


(2) Despite subsection (1), section 960-50 does not apply to a transaction, event or thing that involves:

(a) an amount covered by subsection 775-165(1); or

(b) a right, or a part of a right, covered by subsection 775-165(2); or

(c) an obligation, or a part of an obligation, covered by subsection 775-165(4).

Note: Subsections 775-165(1), (2) and (4) are transitional provisions relating to forex realisation events.

(3) Despite subsection (1), section 960-50 does not apply for the purposes of working out the assessable income, deductions or tax offsets of:

(a) an *ADI; or

(b) a *non-ADI financial institution.

Subdivision 960-D - Functional currency

Guide to Subdivision 960-D

960-56 What this Subdivision is about

The net income of any of the following entities (or parts of entities) that keeps its accounts solely or predominantly in a particular foreign currency can be worked out in that currency, with the net amount being translated into Australian currency:

(a) an Australian resident who is required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001;

(b) a permanent establishment;

(c) an offshore banking unit;

(d) a controlled foreign company (CFC);

(e) a transferor trust.

Table of sections

Operative provisions

960-59 Object of this Subdivision

960-60 You may choose a functional currency

960-65 Backdated startup choice

960-70 What is the applicable functional currency ?

960-75 What is a transferor trust ?

960-80 Translation rules

960-85 Special rule about translation - events that happened before the current choice took effect

960-90 Withdrawal of choice

[This is the end of the Guide.]

Operative provisions

960-59 Object of this Subdivision

The object of this Subdivision is, for the purposes of reducing compliance costs and reflecting commercial practice, to allow certain entities (or parts of entities) whose accounts are kept solely or predominantly in a particular *foreign currency (the functional currency ) to calculate their net incomes by reference to the functional currency.

960-60 You may choose a functional currency

(1) The table has effect:

Choosing to use a functional currency


If you are:

you may choose to use the * applicable functional currency to...

with effect from the start of...


an *Australian resident who is required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001

work out so much of your taxable income or tax loss as is not subject to a choice made by you under any of the other items of this table

(a) if the choice you make under this item is a backdated startup choice (see section 960-65) - the income year in which you make the choice; or

(b) in any other case - the income year following the one in which you make the choice.


(a) an *Australian resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an*overseas permanent establishment; or

(b) a *foreign resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an *Australian permanent establishment

work out the taxable income or tax loss derived from the activity or business carried on at or through the permanent establishment

(a) if the choice you make under this item is a backdated startup choice (see section 960-65) - the income year in which you make the choice; or

(b) in any other case - the income year following the one in which you make the choice.


an *offshore banking unit

work out your total assessable OB income (within the meaning of Division 9A of Part III of the Income Act Assessment Act 1936) and your total allowable OB deductions (within the meaning of that Division)

(a) if the choice you make under this item is a backdated startup choice (see section 960-65) - the income year in which you make the choice; or

(b) in any other case - the income year following the one in which you make the choice.


an attributable taxpayer (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) of a *controlled foreign company (CFC)

work out the *attributable income of the CFC

(a) if the choice you make under this item is a backdated startup choice (see section 960-65) - the CFC's statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Act Assessment Act 1936) in which you make the choice; or

(b) in any other case - the CFC's statutory accounting period following the one in which you make the choice.


a *transferor trust

work out your attributable income (within the meaning of Division 6AAA of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936)

(a) if the choice you make under this item is a backdated startup choice (see section 960-65) - the income year in which you make the choice; or

(b) in any other case - the income year following the one in which you make the choice.

Note: The attributable income of a controlled foreign company is calculated separately for each attributable taxpayer - see section 381 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

(2) A choice must be in writing.

(3) A choice under item 1 of the table in subsection (1) continues in effect until:

(a) a withdrawal of the choice takes effect (see section 960-90); or

(b) immediately after the end of the income year in which you cease to be subject to a requirement to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001;

whichever happens first.

(4) A choice under item 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the table in subsection (1) continues in effect until a withdrawal of the choice takes effect (see section 960-90).

(5) An *ADI or a *non-ADI financial institution is not entitled to make a choice under this section.

960-65 Backdated startup choice

The table has effect:

Backdated startup choice


In this case:

the choice is a backdated startup choice if...


you make a choice under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1)

(a) both:

(i) you were in existence at the start of the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of that income year or within 30 days after the commencement of this section; or

(b) both:

(i) you came into existence during the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after you came into existence or within 30 days after the commencement of this section.


you make a choice under item 2 of the table in subsection 960-60(1)

(a) both:

(i) the permanent establishment was in existence at the start of the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of that income year; or

(b) both:

(i) the permanent establishment came into existence during the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the permanent establishment came into existence.


you make a choice under item 3 of the table in subsection 960-60(1)

(a) both:

(i) the *offshore banking unit was in existence at the start of the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of that income year or within 30 days after the commencement of this section; or

(b) both:

(i) the offshore banking unit came into existence during the income year in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the offshore banking unit came into existence or within 30 days after the commencement of this section.


you make a choice under item 4 of the table in subsection 960-60(1)

(a) both:

(i) you are an attributable taxpayer of the CFC at the beginning of the CFC's statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) in which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of the CFC's statutory accounting period or within 30 days after the commencement of this section; or

(b) both:

(i) you became an attributable taxpayer in relation to the CFC during the CFC's statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) during which you made the choice; and

(ii) you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of the CFC's statutory accounting period or within 30 days after the commencement of this section.


you make a choice under item 5 of the table in subsection 960-60(1)

you make the choice within 90 days after the beginning of an income year or within 30 days after the commencement of this section.

960-70 What is the applicable functional currency ?

Australian resident required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001

(1) If you make a choice under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) with effect from the start of a particular income year, your applicable functional currency for:

(a) that income year; and

(b) each later income year for which the choice is in effect;

is the sole or predominant *foreign currency in which you kept your accounts at the time when you made the choice.

Permanent establishment, offshore banking unit or transferor trust

(2) If you make a choice under item 2, 3 or 5 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to a *permanent establishment, an *offshore banking unit or a *transferor trust with effect from the start of a particular income year, the applicable functional currency of the establishment, unit or trust for:

(a) that income year; and

(b) each later income year for which the choice is in effect;

is the sole or predominant *foreign currency in which the establishment, unit or trust kept its accounts at the time when you made the choice.

Controlled foreign company

(3) If you make a choice under item 4 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to a *controlled foreign company (CFC) with effect from the start of a particular statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936), the applicable functional currency of the CFC for:

(a) that statutory accounting period; and

(b) each later statutory accounting period for which the choice is in effect;

is the sole or predominant *foreign currency in which the CFC kept its accounts at the time when you made the choice.

Note: The attributable income of a controlled foreign company is calculated separately for each attributable taxpayer - see section 381 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.


(4) For the purposes of this section, accounts means:

(a) ledgers; and

(b) journals; and

(c) statements of financial performance; and

(d) profit and loss accounts; and

(e) balance-sheets; and

(f) statements of financial position;

and includes statements, reports and notes attached to, or intended to be read with, any of the foregoing.

960-75 What is a transferor trust ?

A transferor trust is a trust where, having regard to all relevant circumstances, it would be reasonable to conclude that another entity is, or is likely to be, an attributable taxpayer in relation to the trust for the purposes of Division 6AAA of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

960-80 Translation rules

(1) The table has effect:

Translation rules


In this case...

these rules apply...


(a) you are an *Australian resident required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001; and

(b) you have made a choice under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1), and that choice is in effect for an income year

(a) first, for the purpose of working out, for the income year, so much of your taxable income or tax loss as is not the subject of a choice made by you under any other item of that table:

(i) an amount that is not in the *applicable functional currency is to be translated into the applicable functional currency; and

(ii) the definition of foreign currency in subsection 995-1(1) does not apply; and

(iii) the applicable functional currency is taken not to be a foreign currency; and

(iv) Australian currency and any other currency (except the applicable functional currency) are taken to be foreign currencies; and

(b) second, so much of your taxable income as is not the subject of a choice made by you under any other item of that table is to be translated into Australian currency.


(a) you are:

(i) an *Australian resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an*overseas permanent establishment; or

(ii) a *foreign resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an *Australian permanent establishment; and

(b) you have made a choice under item 2 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to the permanent establishment, and that choice is in effect for an income year

(a) first, for the purpose of working out, for the income year, the taxable income or tax loss derived from the activity or business carried on at or through the permanent establishment:

(i) an amount that is not in the *applicable functional currency is to be translated into the applicable functional currency; and

(ii) the definition of foreign currency in subsection 995-1(1) does not apply; and

(iii) the applicable functional currency is taken not to be a foreign currency; and

(iv) Australian currency and any other currency (except the applicable functional currency) are taken to be foreign currencies; and

(b) second, the taxable income derived from the activity or business carried on at or through the permanent establishment is to be translated into Australian currency.


(a) you are an *offshore banking unit (OBU); and

(b) you have made a choice under item 3 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to the OBU, and that choice is in effect for an income year

(a) first, for the purpose of working out, for the income year, your total assessable OB income (within the meaning of Division 9A of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) and your total OB deductions (within the meaning of that Division):

(i) an amount that is not in the *applicable functional currency is to be translated into the applicable functional currency; and

(ii) the definition of foreign currency in subsection 995-1(1) does not apply; and

(iii) the applicable functional currency is taken not to be a foreign currency; and

(iv) Australian currency and any other currency (except the applicable functional currency) are taken to be foreign currencies; and

(b) second, the total assessable OB income and the total allowable OB deductions are to be translated into Australian currency.


(a) you are an attributable taxpayer (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) of a *controlled foreign company (CFC); and

(b) you have made a choice under item 4 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to the CFC, and that choice is in effect for a statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) of the CFC

(a) first, for the purpose of working out, for the statutory accounting period, the *attributable income of the CFC:

(i) an amount that is not in the *applicable functional currency is to be translated into the applicable functional currency; and

(ii) the definition of foreign currency in subsection 995-1(1) does not apply; and

(iii) the applicable functional currency is taken not to be a foreign currency; and

(iv) Australian currency and any other currency (except the applicable functional currency) are taken to be foreign currencies; and

(b) second, the attributable income is to be translated into Australian currency.


(a) you are a *transferor trust; and

(b) you have made a choice under item 5 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to the trust, and that choice is in effect for an income year

(a) first, for the purpose of working out, for the income year, your attributable income (within the meaning of Division 6AAA of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936):

(i) an amount that is not in the *applicable functional currency is to be translated into the applicable functional currency; and

(ii) the definition of foreign currency in subsection 995-1(1) does not apply; and

(iii) the applicable functional currency is taken not to be a foreign currency; and

(iv) Australian currency and any other currency (except the applicable functional currency) are taken to be foreign currencies; and

(b) second, the attributable income is to be translated into Australian currency.

Note: The attributable income of a controlled foreign company is calculated separately for each attributable taxpayer - see section 381 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

Examples of an amount

(2) The following are examples of an amount:

(a) an amount of *ordinary income;

(b) an amount of an expense;

(c) an amount of an obligation;

(d) an amount of a liability;

(e) an amount of a receipt;

(f) an amount of a payment;

(g) an amount of consideration;

(h) a value;

(i) a monetary limit or other amount set out in this Act or any other law of the Commonwealth.

(3) The amounts set out in paragraphs (2)(b) to (i) may be amounts on revenue account, capital account or otherwise.

Amounts that are elements in the calculation of other amounts

(4) In applying this section:

(a) first, translate any amounts that are elements in the calculation of other amounts (except *special accrual amounts); and

(b) then, calculate the other amounts.

Special accrual amounts

(5) In applying this section:

(a) calculate a *special accrual amount without translation and without applying the first rule set out in the relevant item of the table in subsection (1); and

(b) then, translate the special accrual amount to Australian currency for the purposes of applying the second rule set out in the relevant item of the table in subsection (1).

Special translation rules

(6) Subsection 960-50(6) has effect, in relation to the translation of an amount into the *applicable functional currency, as if each reference in that subsection to Australian currency were a reference to the applicable functional currency.

Regulations about translation

(7) An entity must comply with the regulations (if any) in translating an amount into:

(a) the *applicable functional currency; or

(b) Australian currency.

Note: For example, the regulations could require the use of a particular translation method and require consistency in the use of the translation method.

(8) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (7) may make provision in relation to a matter by applying, adopting or incorporating (with or without modifications) matter contained in any of the *accounting standards:

(a) as in force or existing at a particular time; or

(b) as in force or existing from time to time.

960-85 Special rule about translation - events that happened before the current choice took effect

Australian resident required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001

(1) If:

(a) as the result of a choice (the current choice ) made by you under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1), subsection 960-80(1) requires that an amount be translated to the *applicable functional currency; and

(b) the amount is attributable to an event that happened, or a state of affairs that came into existence, at a time (the event time ) before the current choice took effect;

the table has effect:

Special rule about translation


In this case...

this is the result...


at the event time, no previous choice made by you under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) was in effect

the amount is to be translated first to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the event time, and then to the *applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable when the current choice took effect.


at the event time, a previous choice made by you under item 1 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) was in effect

the amount is to be translated first to the previous *applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable at the event time, and then to the current applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable when the current choice took effect.

Permanent establishment, offshore banking unit, CFC or transferor trust

(2) If:

(a) as the result of a choice (the current choice ) made by you under item 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the table in subsection 960-60(1), subsection 960-80(1) requires that an amount be translated to the *applicable functional currency; and

(b) the amount is attributable to an event that happened, or a state of affairs that came into existence, at a time (the event time ) before the current choice took effect;

the table has effect:

Special rule about translation


In this case...

this is the result...


at the event time, no previous choice made by you under section 960-60 in relation to the establishment, unit, CFC or trust was in effect

the amount is to be translated first to Australian currency at the exchange rate applicable at the event time, and then to the *applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable when the current choice took effect.


at the event time, a previous choice made by you under section 960-60 in relation to the establishment, unit, CFC or trust was in effect

the amount is to be translated first to the previous *applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable at the event time, and then to the current applicable functional currency at the exchange rate applicable when the current choice took effect.

960-90 Withdrawal of choice

(1) The table has effect if you have made a choice under section 960-60:



In this case:

you may withdraw your choice with effect from immediately after the end of...


(a) you are an *Australian resident who is required to prepare financial reports under section 292 of the Corporations Act 2001; and

(b) your *applicable functional currency has ceased to be the sole or predominant currency in which you keep your accounts (within the meaning of section 960-70)

the income year in which you withdraw your choice.


(a) you are an *Australian resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an*overseas permanent establishment or a *foreign resident carrying on an activity or business at or through an *Australian permanent establishment; and

(b) the *applicable functional currency of the permanent establishment has ceased to be the sole or predominant currency in which the establishment keeps its accounts (within the meaning of section 960-70)

the income year in which you withdraw your choice.


(a) you are an *offshore banking unit (OBU); and

(b) the *applicable functional currency of the OBU has ceased to be the sole or predominant currency in which the OBU keeps its accounts (within the meaning of section 960-70)

the income year in which you withdraw your choice.


(a) you are an attributable taxpayer (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) of a *controlled foreign company (CFC); and

(b) you have made a choice under item 4 of the table in subsection 960-60(1) in relation to the CFC; and

(c) the *applicable functional currency of the CFC has ceased to be the sole or predominant currency in which the CFC keeps its accounts (within the meaning of section 960-70)

the CFC's statutory accounting period (within the meaning of Part X of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) in which you withdraw your choice.


(a) you are a *transferor trust; and

(b) the *applicable functional currency of the trust has ceased to be the sole or predominant currency in which the trust keeps its accounts (within the meaning of section 960-70)

the income year in which you withdraw your choice.

(2) A withdrawal must be in writing.

(3) Withdrawing a choice does not prevent you from making a fresh choice under section 960-60.