Higher Education Support Act 2003

Chapter 3 - Assistance to students  


Division 118 - Who is entitled to OS-HELP assistance?  

SECTION 118-12   Student identifier requirements  

The *student identifier requirements for *OS-HELP assistance are that:

(a)    the student in question had a student identifier immediately before the student made the application referred to in paragraph 118-1(1)(hb) ; and

(b)    before making, or at the time of making, the application referred to in paragraph 118-1(1)(hb) , the student notified the student ' s student identifier to:

(i) an *appropriate officer of the higher education provider; and

(ii) the *Secretary.

A notification under paragraph (1)(b) may be included in a *request for Commonwealth assistance that the student has given to the higher education provider in relation to:

(a)    the unit of study for which the assistance is sought; or

(b)    the *course of study of which the unit forms a part; or

(c)    any other unit of study forming part of that course.

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