Higher Education Support Act 2003

Chapter 4 - Repayment of loans  


Division 154 - How is indebtedness compulsorily discharged?  

Subdivision 154-AA - Liability of overseas debtors to repay amounts  

SECTION 154-17   Assessed worldwide income  

A person ' s assessed worldwide income for an *income year is an amount equal to the sum of:

(a) the person ' s *repayment income for the income year; and

(b) the person ' s foreign-sourced income for the income year, converted into Australian currency.

The Overseas Debtors Repayment Guidelines may provide for how to work out a person ' s foreign-sourced income for an *income year, including how to convert it into Australian currency.

Without limiting subsection (2), the Overseas Debtors Repayment Guidelines may provide for a person ' s foreign-sourced income for an income year to be worked out in relation to a period that does not correspond to that *income year.

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