Higher Education Support Act 2003

Chapter 2 - Grants for higher education assistance etc  


Division 42 - Australia ' s Economic Accelerator  

Subdivision 42-B - Advisory Board  

SECTION 42-35   Acting AEA Advisory Board members  

Acting by operation of law

The Deputy Chair of the *AEA Advisory Board is to act as the Chair of the AEA Advisory Board:

(a)    during a vacancy in the office of Chair (whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office); or

(b)    during any period, or during all periods, when the Chair:

(i) is absent from duty; or

(ii) is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of the office.

For rules that apply to persons acting as the Chair, see section 33A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .

Acting appointments

The Minister may, by written instrument, appoint a member to act as the Deputy Chair of the *AEA Advisory Board:

(a)    during a vacancy in the office of Deputy Chair of the AEA Advisory Board (whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office); or

(b)    during any period, or during all periods, when the Deputy Chair of the AEA Advisory Board:

(i) is acting as the Chair of the AEA Advisory Board; or

(ii) is absent from duty; or

(iii) is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of the office.

For rules that apply to acting appointments, see sections 33AB and 33A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .

The Minister may, by written instrument, appoint a person to act as a member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) of the *AEA Advisory Board:

(a)    during a vacancy in the office of a member (whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office); or

(b)    during any period, or during all periods, when a member:

(i) is acting as the Deputy Chair; or

(ii) is absent from duty; or

(iii) is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of the office.

For rules that apply to acting appointments, see sections 33AB and 33A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .

Experience and knowledge etc. of acting members

Subsection 42-30(5) applies to an appointment under this section in the same way as it applies to an appointment under section 42-30 .

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