Higher Education Support Act 2003

Schedule 1A - VET FEE-HELP Assistance Scheme  


See section 6-1 .

PART 1 - VET providers  

Division 5A - Civil penalty provisions and enforcement  

Subdivision 5A-A - Civil penalty provisions  

SECTION 39DD   Appropriate and inappropriate inducements  

Subclauses 39DC(1) and (2) , and subclause (2) of this clause, do not apply in relation to any of the following benefits:

(a) the content and quality of the *VET unit of study or *VET course of study;

(b) the amount of *tuition fees of the unit or course (other than so much of the fees as is conditional on a person identifying other persons as prospective students for a unit or course);

(c) *VET FEE-HELP assistance for the unit or course;

(d) the use of a thing if:

(i) the use is limited to the period the student is participating in the unit or course; and

(ii) the use is required or necessary for the completion of the unit or course (having regard to the learning objectives and outcomes of the unit or course); and

(iii) the use of such a thing is available on the same terms to all students, of a kind specified in the *VET Guidelines for the purposes of this subparagraph, who are participating in the unit or course.

Without limiting subclauses 39DC(1) and (2) , those subclauses apply in relation to the following benefits:

(a) the use of an electronic device outside the period the student is participating in the *VET unit of study or *VET course of study;

(b) internet use, or the use of software, outside that period;

(c) travel, entertainment, hospitality or accommodation services;

(d) vouchers redeemable for goods or services;

(e) money (other than amounts covered by paragraph (1)(b) or (c)).

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