Parliamentary Counsel and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (107 of 2012)

Schedule 1   Main amendments

Parliamentary Counsel Act 1970

3   Paragraph 3(c)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) the drafting of subordinate legislation; and

(d) the preparing of compilations and reprints of, and information relating to, laws of the Commonwealth; and

(e) the publishing, and the making of arrangements for the printing and publishing, of:

(i) laws, and proposed laws, of the Commonwealth; and

(ii) compilations and reprints of laws of the Commonwealth; and

(iii) information relating to laws of the Commonwealth; and

(f) the preparing and publishing of Government Notices Gazettes, including Special and Periodic Gazettes; and

(g) functions conferred on the Office (or on First Parliamentary Counsel) under the Acts Publication Act 1905, the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 and any other laws of the Commonwealth; and

(h) with the written approval of the Minister - the provision of assistance to a foreign country in relation to the drafting, printing or publishing of laws of the country or information relating to those laws; and

(i) functions conferred by the regulations; and

(j) functions incidental to any of the preceding functions.