Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (40 of 2024)

Part 8   Members and staff of Tribunal

Division 6   Application of finance law and reporting requirements

242   Report by President


(1) As soon as practicable after 30 June in each financial year, the President must prepare a report on the management of the administrative affairs of the Tribunal during the financial year.


(2) The report for a financial year must include:

(a) a description of any measures taken by the Tribunal during that year to pursue the objective in section 9; and

(b) an assessment of the operation of each jurisdictional area during that year; and

(c) an assessment of the operation of the Tribunal constituted by the guidance and appeals panel for the purposes of proceedings during that year; and

(d) the number of applications made during the year to the Tribunal for review of decisions; and

(e) particulars of the results of reviews of decisions by the Tribunal during the year; and

(f) the number of guidance and appeals panel proceedings in the Tribunal during that year, and particulars of the results of those proceedings; and

(g) the number of proceedings in the Tribunal involving non-participating parties during that year; and

(h) a summary of any actions taken by the Tribunal under section 185 (referring questions of law) during that year; and

(ha) the number of decisions made in accordance with section 103 (if parties reach agreement - review of decisions only) during that year in each jurisdictional area and by the Tribunal as constituted by the guidance and appeals panel for the purposes of proceedings; and

(hb) the number of Tribunal decisions affirmed by a federal court during that year; and

(hc) the number of Tribunal decisions overturned by a federal court during that year; and

(i) a summary of any actions taken by the President or jurisdictional area leaders during that year to:

(i) identify systemic issues related to the making of reviewable decisions arising in the caseload of the Tribunal; and

(ii) inform relevant Ministers, relevant Commonwealth entities and the Council of those issues; and

(j) an overview of any actions taken during that year (including any actions taken under section 203) in relation to:

(i) non-judicial members upholding the code of conduct; or

(ii) non-judicial members meeting the performance standard; or

(iii) the training, education and professional development of members; and

(k) a description of any measures taken by the President during that year to engage with:

(i) civil society; or

(ii) persons whose interests are affected by reviewable decisions; and

(l) any other information prescribed by the rules.


(3) A report prepared under this section after 30 June in a year must be given to the Minister by 15 October of that year.


(4) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be tabled in each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is given to the Minister.


(5) A report prepared under this section may be included in a report prepared and given to the Minister under section 46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 in relation to the Tribunal.