Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Regulations 2003

Schedule 4 Perth metropolitan area  

(paragraph 6 (d))

Part 2 Parts of statistical local areas  

The Perth metropolitan area includes the area (known as the Wanneroo Extension) within a notional line that:

(a) commences at the intersection of Gnangara Road and Sydney Street, being the south-east corner of 505158761 Wanneroo (C) - North-East statistical local area; and

(b) continues generally west and north-west along the southern and western boundaries respectively of 505158761 Wanneroo (C) - North-East statistical local area to the intersection with the southern boundary of 505158764 Wanneroo (C) - North-West statistical local area; and

(c) continues generally west along part of the southern boundary of 505158764 Wanneroo (C) - North-West statistical local area to the intersection with the High Water Mark of mainland Australia (approximate AMG Zone 50 coordinate 377 450E 6 490 750N); and

(d) continues generally north-west along the High Water Mark to approximate AMG Zone 50 coordinate 6 499 720N; and

(e) continues east to a corner on the western boundary of the Neerabup National Park (approximate AMG Zone 50 coordinate 377 540E 6 499 720N); and

(f) continues generally south-east by part of the western boundary of the Neerabup National Park to its intersection with the centre line of Quinns Road; and

(g) continues generally east along the centre line of Quinns Road to its intersection with the centre line of Wanneroo Road; and

(h) continues generally south-east along the centre line of Wanneroo Road to its intersection with the centre line of Pinjar Road; and

(i) continues generally north-east along the centre line of Pinjar Road to its intersection with the centre line of Caporn Street; and

(j) continues generally east along the centre line of Caporn Street to its intersection with the centre line of Franklin Road; and

(k) continues generally south along the centre line of Franklin Road to its intersection with the intersection of the centre line of Trichet Road; and

(l) continues generally east along the centre line of Trichet Road to its intersection with the centre line of Hawkins Road; and

(m) continues generally south along the centre line of Hawkins Road to its intersection with the centre line of Ross Street; and

(n) continues generally east along the centre line of Ross Street to its intersection with the centre line of Sydney Road; and

(o) continues generally south and south-east along the centre line of Sydney Road to its intersection with the centre line of Joyce Road; and

(p) continues generally east along the centre line of Joyce Road and its prolongation easterly to the intersection with the eastern boundary of 505158761 Wanneroo (C) - North-East statistical local area (approximate AMG Zone 50 coordinate 394 220E 6 485 080N); and

(q) continues generally south by part of the eastern boundary of 505158761 Wanneroo (C) - North-East statistical local area to the intersection of Gnangara Road and Sydney Street.

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