Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment Rules (No. 3) 2021 (F2021L00856)

Schedule 1   Amendments - Minimum accommodation benefits

Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Rules 2011

1   Clause 2 of Schedule 1 (Table 1)

Repeal the table (including the heading), substitute:

Table 1 – Overnight accommodation for private patients at private hospitals in all States/Territories

Class of patient

Minimum benefit payable per night

Advanced surgical patient


- first 14 days


- over 14 days


Surgical patient or obstetric patient


- first 14 days


- over 14 days


Psychiatric patient


- first 42 days


- 43 – 65 days


- over 65 days


Rehabilitation patient


- first 49 days


- 50 - 65 days


- over 65 days


Other patients


- first 14 days


- over 14 days
