Pay-Roll Tax Assessment Act 1941 (REPEALED)

Part IX - Miscellaneous  

SECTION 65 (Repealed by 101 of 2006)  

65   Public officer of company  
Every company which is registered or required to be registered as an employer under this Act shall at all times be represented by a person residing in Australia duly appointed by the company or by its duly authorized agent or attorney, and with respect to every such company and person the following provisions shall apply:

(a) Such person shall be called the public officer of the company for the purposes of this Act and shall be appointed within three months after the commencement of this Act or after the company commences to carry on business in Australia, whichever is the later date;

(b) The company shall keep the office of public officer constantly filled and no appointment of a public officer shall be deemed to be duly made until after notice thereof in writing, specifying the name of the officer and address for service, has been given to the Commissioner;

(c) If the company fails or neglects duly to appoint a public officer when and as often as such appointment becomes necessary, it shall be guilty of an offence;

Penalty: One hundred dollars for every day during which the failure or neglect continues.

  • (d) Service of any document at the address for service or on the public officer of a company shall be sufficient service upon the company for all the purposes of this Act or the Regulations thereunder, and if at any time there is no public officer then service upon any person acting or appearing to act in the business of the company shall be sufficient;
  • (e) The public officer shall be answerable for the doing of all such things as are required to be done by the company under this Act or the Regulations thereunder, and in case of default shall be liable to the same penalties;
  • (f) Everything done by the public officer which he is required to do in his representative capacity shall be deemed to have been done by the company. The absence or non-appointment of a public officer shall not exclude the company from the necessity of complying with any of the provisions of this Act or the Regulations thereunder, or from the penalties provided by any section on the failure to comply therewith, but the company shall be liable to the provisions of this Act as if there were no requirement to appoint a public officer;
  • (g) In any proceedings under this Act taken against the public officer of the company the proceedings shall be deemed to have been taken against the company, and the company shall be liable jointly with the public officer for any penalty imposed upon him;
  • (h) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, and without in any way limiting, altering or transferring the liability of the public officer of a company, every notice, process or proceeding which under this Act or the Regulations thereunder may be given to, served upon or taken against the company or its public officer may, if the Commissioner thinks fit, be given to, served upon or taken against any director, secretary or other officer of the company or any attorney or agent of the company and that director, secretary, officer, attorney or agent shall have the same liability in respect of that notice, process or proceedings as the company or public officer would have had if it had been given to, served upon, or taken against the company or public officer.

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