Income Tax Assessment Regulations 1997 (Repealed)
For section 295-385 of the Act, the following superannuation income stream benefits are prescribed:
(a) an RP superannuation income stream benefit of a superannuation fund payable from:
(i) an allocated pension within the meaning of the SIS Regulations; or
(ii) a market linked pension within the meaning of the SIS Regulations; or
(iii) an account-based pension within the meaning of the SIS Regulations;
(b) an amount taken to be the amount of a superannuation income stream benefit under subregulation 995-1.01(3) or (4) , where the superannuation income stream that was payable to the deceased mentioned in that subregulation was a pension mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i), (ii) or (iii) of which the deceased was a retirement phase recipient.
This regulation is also mentioned in regulation 307-205.02 to identify superannuation income streams to which that regulation does not apply.
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