A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Regulations 1999 (repealed)

Schedule 15 - Transitional arrangements  


See regulation 200-0.00 .

Part 2 - Amendments made by the Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Regulation 2015  

103   Processing payment authority given to Chief Executive Officer of Customs  

A payment authority mentioned in paragraph 168-5.16(1)(a) of these Regulations that was posted to the Chief Executive Officer of Customs before 1 July 2015 is taken on and after that day to have been posted to the Comptroller-General of Customs.

A payment authority mentioned in paragraph 168-5.16(1)(a) of these Regulations that was received by the Chief Executive Officer of Customs before 1 July 2015 is taken on and after that day to have been received by the Comptroller-General of Customs.

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