A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Regulations 1999 (repealed)

Schedule 3 - Medical aids and appliances  

(regulation 38-45.01 )

Item Category Medical aids or appliances
1 Advanced wound care alginate
2   hydro colloids
3   hydro gel
4   polyurethane film
5   polyurethane foam
6 Communication aids for people with disabilities tracheostomy appliances and accessories
7   laryngotomy appliances and accessories
8 Continence skin bond
9 Daily living for people with disabilities artificial ears
10   nose prostheses
11 Hearing/speech hearing loops
12 Infusion systems for the delivery of a measured dose of a medication infusion sets
13   infusion pumps
14 Mobility of people with disabilities - physical: orthoses compression garments
15 Mobility of people with disabilities - physical: prostheses supplements and aids associated with mammary prostheses
16 Mobility of people with disabilities - physical: seating aids postural support seating
17 Mobility of people with disabilities - physical: walking aids accessories associated with walking frames or specialised ambulatory ortheses
18 Personal hygiene for people with disabilities customised modifications and accessories for the aids or appliances mentioned in items 111 to 121 of Schedule 3 to the Act
19 Respiratory appliances tilt tables
20 Stoma stoma products including all bags and related equipment for patients with urostomies

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