Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2)

(84 of 2004)

10 May 2004

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

1   Name of Regulations

These Regulations are theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2).

2   Commencement

These Regulations commence on the date of their notification in theGazette.

3   Amendment of Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994

Schedule 1 amends theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994.

Schedule 1   Amendments

[1]   Subregulation 5.04 (2)


(2) If the fund is an accumulation fund, the member's minimum benefits are all of the member's benefits in the fund.

[2]   Regulation 5.08


For the purposes of subsections 31 (1) and 32 (1) of the Act,


(1) For subsections 31 (1) and 32 (1) of the Act,

[3]   Regulation 5.08


(2) Subregulation (1) does not apply in relation to an amount of a member's minimum benefits in an accumulation fund if:

(a) the amount is attributable only to employer contributions (other than mandated employer contributions); and

(b) there is a written agreement between the member of the fund and the member's employer that:

(i) was entered into before the commencement of this subparagraph; and

(ii) requires the employer to make the employer contributions (other than mandated employer contributions) to the fund for the benefit of the member; and

(iii) specifies that if the member's employment with the employer ends at or after the end of a period specified in the agreement, the employee is entitled to all of the amount; and

(iv) specifies that if the member's employment with the employer ends before the end of the specified period, the member is entitled only to a proportion of the amount; and

(c) the member's employment has ended before the end of the period mentioned in subparagraph (b) (iii).

(3) In addition to subregulation (1), a trustee of an accumulation fund may allow an amount of a member's minimum benefits in the fund to be cashed as benefits of the member if:

(a) the cashing of the benefits is for the purpose of the member's temporary incapacity; and

(b) the amount:

(i) is not attributable to the member's member-financed benefits; and

(ii) is not attributable to the member's mandated employer-financed benefits.

[4]   Before regulation 7.01


Division 7.1 General

[5]   Regulation 7.01

omit each mention of

this Part


this Division

[6]   Regulation 7.02, heading


7.02 Application of Division 7.1

[7]   Regulation 7.02





[8]   Regulation 7.03

omit each mention of




[9]   After regulation 7.05


Division 7.2 Contributions to be allocated to members - accumulation funds

7.06 Application of Division 7.2

This Division applies only to an accumulation fund.

7.07 Operating standard

For subsection 31 (1) of the Act, a requirement set out in this Division is a standard applicable to the operation of regulated superannuation funds that are accumulation funds.

7.08 Contributions to be allocated to members

If a trustee of an accumulation fund receives a contribution in a month, the trustee must allocate the contribution to a member of the fund:

(a) within 28 days after the end of the month; or

(b) if it is not reasonablypracticable to allocate the contribution to the member of the fund within 28 days after the end of the month - within such longer period as is reasonable in the circumstances.

[10]   After Division 9.2


Division 9.2A Size of defined benefit funds

9.04A Application

(1) This Division applies to:

(a) a defined benefit fund established after the commencement of this Division; and

(b) a fund that is converted to a defined benefit fund after the commencement of this Division; and

(c) a defined benefit fund that wishes to accept a new defined benefit member after the commencement of this Division; and

(d) a defined benefit fund that wishes to convert a member of the fund to a defined benefit member after the commencement of this Division.

(2) This Division does not apply to a fund that is part of:

(a) the scheme established by the Superannuation Act 1976; or

(b) the scheme established under the provisions of the Superannuation Act 1990; or

(c) the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme; or

(d) an exempt public sector superannuation scheme.

9.04B Sub-funds to be treated as funds

A sub-fund within a defined benefit fund is taken, for the purposes of this Division, to be a defined benefit fund if the sub-fund satisfies the following conditions:

(a) the sub-fund has separately identifiable assets and separately identifiable beneficiaries;

(b) the interest of each beneficiary of the sub-fund is determined by reference only to the conditions governing that sub-fund.

9.04C Operating standard

For subsection 31 (1) of the Act, a requirement set out in this Division is a standard applicable to the operation of regulated superannuation funds that are defined benefit funds.

9.04D Size of defined benefit funds

(1) A defined benefit fund established after the commencement of this Division must have at least 50 defined benefit members.

(2) A fund that is converted to a defined benefit fund after the commencement of this Division must have at least 50 defined benefit members.

(3) A defined benefit fund may accept a new defined benefit member after the commencement of this Division only if the fund will have at least 50 defined benefit members after accepting the new defined benefit member.

(4) A defined benefit fund may convert a member of the fund to a defined benefit member after the commencement of this Division only if the fund will have at least 50 defined benefit members after converting the member to a defined benefit member.

Division 9.2B Provision of defined benefit pensions

9.04E Definition for Division 9.2B

In this Division:

defined benefit pension means a pension under section 10 of the Act, other than:

(a) a pension wholly determined by reference to policies of life assurance purchased or obtained by the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund solely for the purposes of providing benefits to members of that fund; or

(b) an allocated pension.

9.04F Application of Division 9.2B

(1) This Division applies to:

(a) a regulated superannuation fund established after the commencement of this Division, the governing rules of which provide for the payment of a defined benefit pension; and

(b) a regulated superannuation fund established before the commencement of this Division, the governing rules of which are amended after the commencement of this Division to provide for the payment of a defined benefit pension.

(2) This Division does not apply to a fund that is part of:

(a) the scheme established by the Superannuation Act 1976; or

(b) the scheme established under the provisions of the Superannuation Act 1990; or

(c) the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme; or

(d) an exempt public sector superannuation scheme.

9.04G Sub-funds to be treated as funds

A sub-fund within a regulated superannuation fund is taken, for the purposes of this Division, to be a regulated superannuation fund if the sub-fund satisfies the following conditions:

(a) the sub-fund has separately identifiable assets and separately identifiable beneficiaries;

(b) the interest of each beneficiary of the sub-fund is determined by reference only to the conditions governing that sub-fund.

9.04H Operating standard

For subsection 31 (1) of the Act, a requirement set out in this Division is a standard applicable to the operation of regulated superannuation funds.

9.04I Provision of defined benefit pensions

(1) A regulated superannuation fund that has less than 50 members must not provide a defined benefit pension.

(2) Subregulation (1) has effect despite anything in the governing rules of the fund.