Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 9)

(301 of 2010)

Dated 24 November 2010

Corporations Act 2001

1   Name of Regulations

These Regulations are theCorporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 9).

2   Commencement

These Regulations commence on the day after they are registered.

3   Amendment of Corporations Regulations 2001

Schedule 1 amends theCorporations Regulations 2001.

Schedule 1   Amendments

[1]   Paragraph 7.5.88 (2) (b)


(b) the payment of premiums for fidelity insurance or other compensation arrangements for the financial market as part of an approved compensation arrangement for Division 3 of Part 7.5 of the Act; or

(c) costs paid by the market licensee in relation to ASIC's responsibilities for market supervision created by theCorporations Amendment (Financial Market Supervision) Act 2010; or

(d) the making of payments to ASIC by the market licensee in relation to ASIC's responsibilities for market supervision created by theCorporations Amendment (Financial Market Supervision) Act 2010.

[2]   Regulation 8.2.01


the Securities Act 1978 of New Zealand


[3]   Paragraph 8.2.02 (1) (a)


the New Zealand Securities Act 1978 and the Securities (Mutual Recognition of Securities Offerings) Regulations 2008;


the Securities Act 1978 (New Zealand) and the Securities (Mutual Recognition of Securities Offerings - Australia) Regulations 2008 (New Zealand);

[4]   Paragraph 8.2.02 (1) (b)


New Zealand Securities Regulations 1983


the Securities Regulations 2009 (New Zealand)

[5]   Schedule 10A, item 18.1, inserted paragraph 1012D (9E) (c) of the Act


the Securities Act 1978 of New Zealand and Securities Regulation 1983 of New Zealand;


the Securities Act 1978 (New Zealand) and the Securities Regulations 2009 (New Zealand);

[6]   Schedule 10AA, item 2.3, inserted paragraph 1012IA (3B) (c) of the Act


the Securities Act 1978 of New Zealand and Securities Regulation 1983 of New Zealand;


the Securities Act 1978 (New Zealand) and the Securities Regulations 2009 (New Zealand);