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ATO podcasts - episodes 1 to 5

Superannuation, GST at settlement, work-related expenses: behind the scenes of an audit and Single Touch Payroll.

Published 2 May 2023

Episode 5 – Superannuation: the journey continues

With the end of financial year and the due date for new reporting obligations nearing, it's important for trustees and self-managed super fund (SMSF) professionals to know what they need to report, and what they should look out for. Deputy Commissioner, James O'Halloran chats to John Maroney, CEO of the SMSF Association ahead of the financial year.

Media: The journey continues Link (Duration: 21:39)

You can also download episode 5 (MP3, 29.7MB)External Link.

Episode 4 – GST at settlement

In this episode, Assistant Commissioner of Indirect Tax, Kelly Canavan talks to Andrew Howe, Director at Greenwoods and Herbert Smith Freehills and a member of the Property Council of Australia. They have a chat about the goods and services tax (GST) at settlement legislative measure, what you need to do to implement this change and how GST is collected on property transactions.

Media: GST at settlement Link (Duration: 08:51)

You can also download episode 4 (MP3, 20.3MB)External Link.

Episode 3 – Work-related expenses: behind the scenes of an audit

There’s been a lot of talk lately about our focus on work-related expenses, what people are claiming and whether many claims are legitimate. In this episode, Assistant Commissioner Adam Kendrick talks to Anthony Keane, personal finance writer at NewsCorp, about what raises a ‘red flag’ in our systems, what will happen if your return comes under our scrutiny this year, and how to get your claims right.

Media: Episode 3 - Work-related expenses Link (Duration: 14:55)

You can also download episode 3 (MP3, 27.4MB)External Link.

Episode 2 – Single Touch Payroll: part 1 of 2

In part one of this episode, Assistant Commissioner John Shepherd talks to Michael Croker, Tax Australia Leader at Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. They have a chat about Single Touch Payroll and how to get ready for the transition.

Media: Episode 2 – Single Touch Payroll: part 1 of 2 Link (Duration: 13:12)

You can also download episode 2 (MP3, 12.1MB)External Link.

Episode 1 – Superannuation: the road ahead

In this episode, Deputy Commissioner of Superannuation James O’Halloran talks to Dr David Knox, Senior Partner at Mercer, and co-chair of the ATO’s Superannuation Industry Stewardship Group. They have a candid chat about the ATO’s perspective on how things have gone so far, the challenges and what lies ahead in 2018 for APRA funds.

Media: Episode 1 – Superannuation: The road ahead Link (Duration:15:50)

You can also download episode 1 (MP3, 29.1MB)External Link.
