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ATO podcasts - episodes 26 to 30

JobKeeper extension and cybersecurity for business and intermediaries.

Published 2 May 2023

Episode 30 – Super for women

In this episode, ATO Assistant Commissioner Sonia Corsini is joined by Mariam Mohammed, co-founder of MoneyGirl. They discuss a financially equal future for women, in particular within Australia’s super system in celebration of International Women's Day.

Media: Super for women Link (Duration: 30:00)

Episode 29 – JobKeeper extension Part 2: Keeping JobKeeper fair

Note: This episode is no longer available to download. The JobKeeper Payment scheme finished on 28 March 2021.

For more information visit JobKeeper Payment.

Episode 28 – JobKeeper extension Part 1: Overview of the program

Note: This episode is no longer available to download. The JobKeeper Payment scheme finished on 28 March 2021.

For more information visit JobKeeper Payment.

Episode 27 – Cybersecurity for business and intermediaries Part 2: How we protect the community

In the second episode of our 2-part cyber security podcast, we focus on the role the ATO and other government agencies play in protecting the community from cyber criminals. We welcome back Craig Gillies, Acting Assistant Director-General at the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Robyn Jacobson, Senior Advocate at The Tax Institute, and Jamie Norton, head of the ATO Information and Cyber Security program, who conclude that when it comes to cyber security, prevention is always better than a cure.

Media: Cybersecurity for business and intermediaries Part 2: How we protect the community Link (Duration: 24:10)

You can also download episode 27 (MP3External Link, 33.3MB).

Episode 26 – Cybersecurity for business and intermediaries Part 1: How to protect yourself

In today’s digital world, strong cybersecurity practices are a critical component of any business. In this episode, Craig Gillies, Acting Assistant Director-General at the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), and Robyn Jacobson, Senior Advocate at The Tax Institute, are joined by Jamie Norton, head of the ATO Information and Cyber Security program, to discuss how businesses and intermediaries can protect themselves from cybersecurity incidents. They also provide some helpful guidance around what to do if your business falls victim to one.

Media: Episode 26 – Cybersecurity for business and intermediaries Part 1: How to protect yourself Link (Duration: 25:16)

You can also download Episode 26 (MP3 34.8MB)External Link.
