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ATO podcasts - episodes 6 to 10

Good record keeping, not-for-profits, mental health support, talking tax for small business and Single Touch Payroll.

Published 2 May 2023

Episode 10 – Good record keeping is good for business

In this episode, Assistant Commissioner Justine Williams from the ATO’s Small Business Experience is joined by Dr Paul Collier, Deputy Director of MBA Programs at Monash Business School, author and small business owner. They explore what ‘keeping good records’ for small business looks like and simple tips to help you get started on the right track.

Media: Starting a not-for-profit Link (Duration: 11:56)

You can also download episode 10 (MP4, 17.1MB)External Link.

Episode 9 – Not-for-profits: getting started

In this episode, Albert Beric from the NFP risk and strategy team is joined by Anna Lyons, a Principal Lawyer at Justice Connect. They discuss what you need to know about tax and super when you start a not-for-profit, and give plenty of handy tips and practical real life examples. They cover everything from the difference between a charity and a NFP organisation, to considerations you should factor in when choosing your legal structure.

Media: Starting a not-for-profit Link (Duration: 27:32)

You can also download episode 9 (MP3, 53MB)External Link.

Episode 8 – Mental health support

In this episode, Assistant Commissioner Colin Walker talks to Patrice O'Brien from beyondblue and Tax professional Amanda Linton. They discuss the importance of recognising the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns, and the ways we can help support tax professionals and their clients through the tough times.

Media: Mental health support Link (Duration: 26:18)

You can also download episode 8 (MP3, 38MB)External Link.

Episode 7 – Talking tax for small business

In this episode, Assistant Commissioner Mathew Umina talks to Dr Craig Latham. Dr Latham is Deputy Ombudsman at the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. They discuss their top tax tips for small business, preparing for tax time and more.

Media: Talking tax for small business Link (Duration: 28:37)

You can also download episode 7 (MP3, 65.5MB)External Link.

Episode 6 – Single Touch Payroll: part 2 of 2

With the end of financial year and the due date for new reporting obligations nearing, it's important for trustees and self-managed super fund (SMSF) professionals to know what they need to report, and what they should look out for. Deputy Commissioner James O'Halloran chats to John Maroney, CEO of the SMSF Association, ahead of the financial year.

Media: The journey continues Link (Duration: 21:39)

You can also download episode 5 (MP3, 29.7MB)External Link.
