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Pre-fill availability

Use this content to check if third-party information is available to pre-fill into your tax return for 2023–24.

20 June 2024

About our pre-fill information

To save you time and to help you get your tax return right, we partially complete your tax return with financial information we receive from third parties. This includes health funds, financial institutions, employers, and government agencies.

Pre-filled data is available from 1 July, with most data finalised by the end of July. Some data is received later, like partnership or trust distributions.

You can check if we've received your information by starting your tax return in myTax or going to a registered tax agent.

To check if your pre-fill information is available before starting your tax return follow the links below.

We don't publish pre-fill information from employers in this content. Check your pre-fill information includes income from your employers and all other sources when you start your tax return.

How to use pre-fill information

Pre-fill information automatically loads into your tax return if you prepare and lodge using myTax or through a registered tax agent. If you believe there is an error in your pre-fill information, contact the organisation who provides the information. Ensure the organisation sends any corrections through to us.

All you have to do is review the information we pre-fill and add any missing details.

Don't rely solely on pre-fill information, it may be incomplete if:

  • an organisation has not supplied data yet
  • we could not match the information to your record
  • the information did not pass all data quality checks.

If you change the pre-filled data when you lodge your tax return, we may:

  • request you to enter a reason to explain why the pre-filled data is incorrect
  • amend your tax return if we have high confidence in the data we've received
  • contact you to discuss why your information is different to the pre-filled data.

If you disagree with the decision we've made, you can contact us to request a review or alternatively lodge an objection after you receive your notice of assessment.

Start your return with myTaxFind a registered tax agent

Check whether data is available from government agencies.

Check whether data is available to pre-fill your return from health funds.

Check whether interest income data is available from large financial institutions.

Check whether dividend income data is available from large companies.