Use the Personalise return screen to select items that apply to you.
Based on pre-fill information, we may have made some selections for you. You cannot remove any selections we made for you, even if you think the circumstances do not apply to you. For more information, read Can't remove a selection? below.
You can delete any relevant pre-filled information from the Prepare return screen.
You can make other selections that may apply to include them in your tax return. This will tailor your tax return to your situation.
If you can't see an item to select, it's because it will already be shown on the Prepare return screen or is not required to be included in your tax return.
Watch our video for a demonstration on how to personalise your tax return.
If you are unsure which items apply to you, or to read more about those items, select from the left hand side table of contents or from the links below:
- Residency
- Did you have a spouse?
- Salary, wages or other income on a payment summary, or Australian Government payments
- Income from Australian super and annuity funds
- Australian interest, or other Australian income or losses from investments or property
- Sole traders or you had business income or losses, partnership or trust distributions (not from a managed fund)
This includes Personal services income. - Foreign income
- All other income, including employee share schemes
- Deductions
- Tax losses from earlier income years
- Tax offsets, adjustments or credit for early payment
Want to lodge a nil return?
If you don’t need to select any items because you wish to lodge a nil return, then select Next at the bottom of the Personalise return screen, and follow the instructions.
Watch our video
This video shows you how to personalise your tax return.
Can't see an item to select?
Certain items apply to everyone and they are always displayed on the Prepare return screen.
These items are:
Also, you are not required to make a selection on the Personalise return screen for any of the following:
- low income tax offset
- PAYG instalments
- Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS), Trade Support Loan (TSL) debt, Student Start-up Loan (SSL) or ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL).
We use the information in your tax return and our records to include these in your notice of assessment.