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Approved SMSF auditors in Online services for business

Online services for business allows approved self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditors to lodge ACA and ACRs online.

Last updated 17 July 2024

Online services for business allows approved self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditors to lodge the following documents online:

  • audit complete advice (ACA)
  • auditor/actuary contravention report (ACR).

Watch: Online services for business

Media: Online services for business Link (Duration: 00:39)

Log in to Online services for business

Lodge an auditor/actuary contravention report

To lodge an auditor/actuary contravention report:

  • select the Lodgments menu
  • select Reports and forms
  • select Auditor contravention report
  • select Prepare to start a new report or Resume to return to a previously saved report
  • select Financial year of audit using the drop-down option
  • enter Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) ABN and click Search
  • enter total asset value as at 30 June for the year of audit
  • select whether this is a New or Revised report
  • click Next
  • enter Auditor details. You can do this manually by selecting Add an auditor from the drop-down options or select an auditor from the list (auditor details can be added in the SMSF auditor details option under the profile menu).
  • manual entry of auditor details requires the following auditor information 
    • first name
    • last name
    • SMSF auditor number
    • phone number
    • mobile number
    • postal address 
  • you can choose to add these auditor details to be used in future reports by checking the box – select Save this auditor in SMSF auditors details for future reports
  • click Next  
    • at 'Events – reporting an event'    
      • select Add to report an event, you can report up to six events
      • answer 'Event started before the audit period' 
      • type the start date of event
      • complete 'Describe the event and mitigating factors' 
      • answer 'Contraventions fully rectified or trustees plan to fully rectify them' 
      • enter 'Estimated completion date or date contraventions fully rectified'
      • if applicable, complete 'Planned or taken steps to rectify the contraventions' 
    • at Contraventions    
      • select from the sections or regulations contravened drop-down menu
      • if applicable, enter the maximum value of the contravention or regulation
      • answer 'Contravention or regulation fully rectified?'
      • if applicable, enter the outstanding value
      • if applicable, add another contravention
      • when finished select Save  
    • Events – other questions    
      • if applicable, answer the 'SMSF’s financial position' question
      • if applicable, complete 'On what information did you base your opinion?'
      • if applicable, answer 'Additional information'
      • if applicable, complete 'Provide details'
      • select Next  
    • Summary    
      • To print a draft copy of the ACR, select the 'Print friendly version' button before submitting.
      • Check the declaration.
      • Select Submit

Up to 150 draft forms can be saved and completed within 6 months.

When the form is submitted successfully, a receipt number will be displayed and you can choose to print or save a copy of the submitted form.

Note: you will not be able to access a copy of the form after leaving this page.

Lodge an audit complete advice

To lodge an audit complete advice:

  • at the Lodgments menu
  • select Reports and forms
  • select Audit complete advice
  • complete the mandatory information on the form    
    • select the financial year of audit using the drop down option
    • fund details    
      • type the fund’s ABN
      • select Search, the fund’s name will be populated 
  • enter SMSF Auditor details, you can do this manually by selecting Add an auditor from the drop-down options or select an auditor from the list (auditor details can be added in the SMSF auditor details option under the profile menu)
  • manual entry of auditor details requires the following auditor information:  
    • first name
    • last name
    • SMSF auditor number
    • phone number
    • mobile number
    • postal address 
  • you can choose to add these auditor details to be used in future reports by checking the box – Save this auditor in SMSF auditors details for future reports
  • select the declaration and Submit.

Complete and lodge bulk audit complete advices

To complete the 'audit complete advice' bulk template:

  • download the template (XLSX, 248KB)This link will download a file to your device
  • complete the mandatory information on the template    
    • auditor details    
      • audit firm name
      • audit firm ABN
      • first name
      • last name
      • phone or mobile number
      • auditor address
      • SMSF auditor number 
    • fund details    
      • the fund ABN of SMSF you audited
      • name of SMSF
      • audit year
      • audit completion date 
    • save the template as 'xls' or 'xlsx' (do not convert the completed template to a PDF). 

Note: There is no requirement to lodge bulk audit complete advices when an audit complete advice or auditor contravention report has already been lodged for the same year.

To lodge a bulk audit complete advice:

  • at the Communication menu
  • select Secure mail from the drop-down menu
  • select New at the inbox
  • select the topic – Superannuation
  • select the subject – Approved SMSF Auditor ACA bulk lodgment
  • complete the mandatory information in the secure mail
  • attach the completed audit complete advice bulk template
  • type your email address
  • type your contact details
  • select the declaration and Send.

You will receive a receipt number once the mail is successfully sent.

