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Access Online services for foreign investors - with an ABN

How to register to access Online services for foreign investors as a business or entity with an ABN.

Last updated 16 March 2025

Info Alert
The myGovID app is now known as myID
myGovID has a new name and look – but how you use it is the same. Find out more at Link.


The following one-off set up and registration instructions are for the principal authorityExternal Link or authorised representative of a business or entity:

The principal authority is a person responsible for the business or entity. Examples of principal authorities are listed on the RAM websiteExternal Link.

If your entity does not have an ABN, go to Access Online services for foreign investors - without ABN.

We recommend you review the steps outlined below and have the information you need ready to complete them.

Once you have completed the steps, you:

  • need to use your myIDExternal Link to log in to Online services for foreign investors
  • can authorise others to access the service on behalf of the entity.

Step 1: Set up your myID

You need a myIDExternal Link with at least Standard identity strength.

myID is the Australian Government's Digital ID provider app. It is your ID on your smart device used to prove who you are when accessing Online services for foreign investors.

Note: When linking your myID to the business in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) for step 2, you will either need Strong identity strength or to contact the RAM support line to be linked.

If you already have a myID, go to Step 2: Link your myID to the business in RAM.

To set up your myID:

  1. Download the myID app from the App Store or Google Play.

Available on the App Store   Get it on Google Play

Only download the myID app from the official app stores listed above. Non-genuine versions of the myID app may be available from other sources.

  1. Enter your details – open the app and follow the prompts to enter your full name, date of birth and personal email address.
  2. Verify your identity – set up a myID with either Standard or Strong identity strengthExternal Link.

Step 2: Link your myID to the business in RAM

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of a business online when linked with your myID. You will use your myID to log in to RAMExternal Link.

If your myID is already linked to your business in RAM, go to Step 3: Log in to Online services for foreign investors.

Once your myID is linked to your business in RAM, you can:

To link your myID to the business in RAM, you will either:

How to link your business online in RAM

To link your business online in RAM yourself, you must:

  • be a principal authorityExternal Link (sole trader or eligible individual associate listed on the Australian Business Register)
  • have a myID with Strong identity strength – this requires an Australian passport. The passport can be up to 3 years expired.

If you are unable to link online, contact the RAM support line to be linked to your business.

To link your business online:

  • log in to RAMExternal Link
  • choose your Digital ID provider by selecting myID
  • provide consent for your information to be shared with RAM
  • select Link my business – you will be redirected to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to find your business
  • type your personal postal or residential address (as held by the ATO) and select Continue
  • all eligible businesses will display – select the business you want to link and select Continue
  • type your email address to receive your verification code (the email address can be different to the one used to set up your myID) select Send email then Continue.
    Do not close the web browser window or log out of RAM; the verification code is only valid for the current session
  • type the 6-digit verification code from the email and select Verify then Continue
  • view the summary of the selected business or businesses and select 'I understand and accept the declaration', then Submit
  • a message will display confirming your business is successfully linked; select Continue.

Go to Step 3: Log in to Online services for foreign investors to access Online services for foreign investors.

Contact the RAM support line to be linked

If you are unable to link online, you will need to contact the RAM support line to link your business.

You need a myIDExternal Link with at least Standard identity strength.

You will need to complete the following steps to link to your business:

  • phone 1300 287 539 and select option 3 to complete a proof of identity check (you may need details from your Medicare card, drivers licence, passport or other information on your ATO record)
  • proof of identity checks will be completed to confirm your association to the business
  • once confirmed you will either
    • receive an email with an authorisation code and summary of the authorisation request
    • be asked to complete a formExternal Link (if you need to link 8 or more ABNs)
  • when you have the authorisation code, log in to RAMExternal Link to accept the request and complete the linking process within 7 days.

Step 3: Log in to Online services for foreign investors

Use your myID to log in to Online services for foreign investors, and:

  • log inExternal Link directly or navigate to the top of the ATO website home page ( and select Log in to online services then choose Foreign investor from the drop-down list
  • choose your Digital ID provider by selecting myID
  • provide consent for your information to be shared with Online services for foreign investors
  • select Log in with myID and enter your myID email address – this is the email address used when you set up your myID
  • select Get code. A 4-digit code will appear in your browser. Take note of this code
  • open and log in to your myID app on your smart device using your 10-character password, fingerprint or face and enter the 4-digit code
  • return to your web browser where Online services for foreign investors will open.

Step 4: Complete the foreign person registration

A one-off registration needs to be completed by the first authorised person to access Online services for foreign investors.

Note: If you are a sole trader, you must also prove your identity online.

To complete the one-off registration, select the entity, then Next (do not select Add).

The following information is required unless specified optional.

Note: 'foreign person' has the same meaning as 'foreign investor' and includes entities.

Information you need to register

Provide the following registration details unless specified as optional:

  • Is the entity registering as a foreign person under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975?
  • Date the entity became a foreign person
    • If you already have an asset in Australia, use the date the asset was acquired (the date must be after 30 November 2015
    • If the asset was acquired before 30 November 2015, use 1 December 2015
    • If this is the first time you are investing in Australia, use today's date
  • Entity type – company or trust (not applicable to sole traders)
  • Is the entity a foreign government investor?
  • Australian reference numbers: ABN or ARN (optional)
  • Entity legal name
  • Other business or trading name (optional)
  • Country of incorporation
  • Source country – this is the nationality of the investor, shareholder or trustee (if there is more than one source country, provide the percentage of ownership for each country. Total ownership must be 100%)
  • Entity email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Entity registered address.

Authorised contact details you need to register

Note: This does not apply to sole traders.

You need to provide the following authorised contact details (unless specified optional):

  • Are you the primary business contact for this entity? Answer by selecting Yes or No.
  • If you are not the primary business contact for the entity, include
    • someone else's details as the primary authorised contact
    • your own details at 'Alternate contact person for the entity'.
  • Role – select the role of the primary authorised contact (choose from employee, business manager, director, or owner).
  • Email address of the primary authorised contact.
  • Phone number of the primary authorised contact (use numbers only, not brackets, dashes or other characters).
  • Other contact details
  • Is there an alternate contact person for this entity? If you or someone else are an alternate contact, provide the name, email address and select from the role options.

Optional authorised contact details to register

Note: This does not apply to sole traders.

You can provide the following optional authorised contact details.

  • Role – select the role of the alternate authorised contact from
    • business manager
    • director
    • owner
    • lawyer or solicitor
    • migration agent
    • real estate agent
    • accountant
    • conveyancer
    • other
  • First and last name
  • Email address.

Review the summary of the details

When you have completed the registration, review the summary of the details:

  • select Back to return to the relevant item to update
  • when you are satisfied the details are correct, select the declaration then Submit
  • a message will display Your ATO registration has been successfully submitted
  • you can print or save a PDF (we will email you confirmation in 5 business days).
