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Excise claim

Prepare, filter, submit and check the status of your client’s excise claims.

Last updated 6 June 2024

To Prepare and submit new claims or view previous lodged claims using online services

  • select Lodgments, then Excise claims
  • List of previous lodged claims will be displayed including  
    • Lodgment date
    • Type
    • Status
    • Total excise value
    • View  
      • previously lodged claims by selecting the lodgment date hyperlink
    • Filter  
      • Date range (From and To)
      • Status – Draft, Processing or Finalised
      • Total excise duty (From and To)
  • select Prepare
  • select relevant claim type from dropdown list then Add
  • complete all mandatory fields and review the information
  • tick the Declaration box and select Submit

If you need assistance to lodge online contact us.
