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Manage credit/debit card details

View, add, update and delete credit/debit card details for your clients.

Last updated 3 October 2023

Types of things you can do

You can view and add credit/debit card details for your clients. You can also update and delete credit/debit card details if the card isn't linked to an active payment plan.

Storing a card for future payments doesn't set up a direct debit arrangement.

Add debit or credit card details

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Manage card details (you can view any stored cards and add additional cards if there are less than 3 cards stored)
  • select Add and complete the mandatory fields (this option won't be displayed if there are already 3 stored cards)
  • select: 'I have authorisation from my client to manage their credit or debit cards to make payments on their behalf'
  • select Save.

Update debit or credit card details

You can only update the card holder name and card expiry details. To do this:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Manage card details
  • open the card you want to update using the expandable menu on the right
  • update the card details, including name and/or expiry (but you won't be able to make any changes if the card is linked to an active payment plan)
  • select: 'I have authorisation from my client to manage their credit or debit cards to make payments on their behalf'
  • select Save.

Delete debit or credit card details

To delete debit or credit card details:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Manage card details
  • open the card you want to delete using the expandable menu on the right
  • select Delete to delete a card (you won't be able to delete a card if it is linked to an active payment plan)
  • confirm deletion.
